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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 2/1/83 <br />Page two <br />e <br />7. AGENDA - M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to adopt agenda as amended: <br />Add 5.B Disposing of Surplus Pump. <br />Delete 9.A.(1) LeRoy Rossow withdrew application. <br />Delete 9.B.(2) Merle Olson will be coming in February 15. <br />Add 9.B.(4) Ed Stevens - 10133 North 47th Street. <br />Add 13.G. Rezoning Fee for Ag Preserve. <br />13.H. Retiring Park Committee Members Commemoration. <br />(4 ayes) <br />B. DAVE WISDORF, MNTCE. FOREMAN <br />A. Snow Plowing Procedures & Policy - Wisdorf handed out color - <br />coded map as to who plows what. Responsibilities overlap when there's <br />a lot of snow,to help one another out. <br />s Eder - Could we alternately reverse routes so some people are not <br />always plowed out last? (Wisdorf - plow is used to first open main <br />collector roads and then auxilliary roads so rotation may be difficult <br />or not practical.) <br />• Fraser - I question rotation because best route is worked out in <br />advance according to snow conditions, etc. <br />• Dunn - People at Tartan Park have complained in the past so it makes <br />a difference to them. <br />s Whittaker - It's a question of maximizing service to the most <br />people and Laverne is opened first for the Fire Department; a few <br />roads could be flipflopped but would not have much impact. <br />• Eder - Each Councillor needs policy to tell people who call what <br />schedule is. <br />o Whittaker - Schedule is the County crews come out at 4:00 a.m. and <br />City comes in at 5:30 a.m. Policy .is we will try to have everyone out <br />in 10 hours if normal snowfall and 12+ hours for 6" snowfall and have <br />streets sanded, etc. Danger of publicizing policy is that more people <br />will be calling if conditions are bad and schedule is not met. <br />It was agreed that Wisdorf and Whittaker will look at collector roads <br />and those which may be flipflopped. <br />B. Disposing of Surplus Pump - Fire and Maintenance Departments <br />no longer need the portable hydrant / 4" trash pump since it is too <br />large to conveniently store and too small to pump large lakes (only <br />used once at Beutel Pond a week last year). It was advertised for <br />bids for a month in a municiple magazine, and the City of Mora <br />responded with high bid of $2,180 (one other bidder). Lake Elmo paid <br />$3,500 for equipment and would cost $6,200 new. If sold, Maintenance <br />would like to use their share of money to purchase smaller pump for <br />water main breaks, etc. which would cost about $1,200. <br />s Dunn - With economy the way it is, it is not seller's market; should <br />be put out for more competitive bids. <br />M/S Fraser/Mazzara to authorize sale of pump to City of Mora. <br />Fraser/Mazzara withdrew motion and second. <br />M/S/P Eder/Dunn that Lake Elmo offer pump for sale but additionally <br />advertise in Minnesota city publications and newspapers. (4 ayes) <br />9. ORCHARD/SINCLAIR, SIMPLE LOT DIVISION - At Elizabeth Orchard's <br />request, M S P Eder Mazzara to defer this item until full Council <br />present and until 9:30 p.m. (4 ayes) <br />DINNER BREAK - 6:04 p.m. <br />