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CITY COUNCIL MEETING - 2/l/83 <br />Page three <br />(Dave Morgan arrived 7:00 p.m.) <br />Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 7:04 p.m. at the City Hall. <br />10. I-94 CONSTRUCTION <br />A. John Sandall of District 9 Mn/DOT - Mr. Sandall introduced <br />assistant Mike Marttila and designer Thomas O'Ryan. Phase II drawing <br />was presented to Council depicting bridges, bypasses for each county <br />road, and temporary connections for local traffic. Bid opening is <br />February 11 and Council approval needed before that time. Award is <br />to be made mid -March, start is April 8 (215 working days so bridge <br />and all completed by fall of 1984). Final phase scheduled .for 1984 <br />consists of grading, mainline work, and surfacing with final <br />completion in fall of 1985. Bypass speeds are 50 mph; access to <br />bypasses are handled by frontage roads. Local traffic will be <br />encouraged to take Minnehaha. <br />• O'Ryan - Proposed Ideal Avenue matches existing jog to freeway which <br />is probably advantageous because of third stop. <br />® Bohrer - Will -Mn/DOT remove barricades on 4th Street once snow <br />is gone?_ (Marttila ,- Won't be able to be opened until frontage <br />road is opened.) <br />® Whittaker - Can't frontage roads be used instead of temporary <br />bypasses? (O'Ryan - this was looked at but truck/traffic problems.) <br />e Eder - What is your liability assuming you could open up more roads <br />sooner? (Marttila - Workers would have to work in traffic thus <br />creating more liability.) <br />s Eder - Any drainage problems? (Marttila - will work with Rydeen on <br />his specific problem.) <br />® Eder - Have maps been provided Guardian Angels church? (Sandall - <br />we've had close contact with them and will be following up.) <br />• Dorothy Lyons - What's happening on 19 interchange? (Will be <br />diamond interchange in future, .loop to be constructed in late 1984.) <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to approve R83-21: <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLANS FOR Mn/DOT <br />PROJECT 8282-45,45 (94-392), CONSTRUCTION OF THE <br />BYPASSES AND BRIDGE ON I-94. (5 ayes) <br />B. Chuck Swanson, County Engineer - Mr. Swanson was present to <br />answer to citizens' concerns of premature construction of four -lane <br />facilities adjacent to I-94. Contrary to previous County planning, <br />attempt is now being made to provide adequate bridges, walkways and <br />bike trails when I-94 is built. Adjustments being made and provided <br />for in CIP are: on 13, four lanes in Woodbury going south past City <br />Hall, construction of four lanes north to Minnehaha/loth Street <br />intersection. Since -shopping,=center one;< 19 fa_Regional .Pa!uk, will now :be a <br />four -lane parkway planned with landscaping; nothing for 17 except <br />widening and surfacing of shoulders since there's no access to I-94; <br />and four lanes/divided on 15 up to and through Minnehaha/10th Street <br />intersection. No problem closing 17, but 13 and 15 can't be closed at <br />one time; all three are presently budgeted to be constructed in 1984; <br />and 15 to airport, not a four -lane, is scheduled for 1986. <br />( 11. INTERVIEWS FOR COMMISSIONS - <br />A. Planning Commission <br />1. LeRoy Rossow - Would like to see changes made in attitude <br />toward commercial development; feels it's not inherently bad and would <br />