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03-15-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-15-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 15, 1983 <br />-3- <br />7. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />B. Cott a e Grove' Ravine' Water'shed'Plan - Continued - <br />t& <br />-- Whittaker - Note t at Oa da es Surface Water Plan only provides <br />to control the rate of run-off not the volume. Concerned that <br />projects downstream will be developed and assessed to Lake Elmo. <br />Lake Elmo has no problem controlling run-off to Woodbury. <br />--Bohrer - about 1200-1500 acres of Lake Elmo property are in the <br />Cottage Grove Ravine - 40-80 acres are in Oakdale - remaining <br />property is in Woodbury. <br />--Eder - recommended deferring action until April 15 during which time <br />the Attorney.&Administrator will research alternate financing/assessing. <br />--Whittaker - refuted the assumption that because of the size of <br />the pipes from Lake Elmo under 2-94 that the City may be contributing <br />to or causing problems downstream and therefore should -share in <br />assessments. <br />--Bohrer study would show that Lake Elmo intends to limit its <br />run-off to pre -development stage. Also, would tell property owners <br />how much land they would need to set aside to hold the water rather <br />than put in a pipe to send it downstream. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to defer action the Drainage Plan for the <br />Cottage Grove Ravine and instructing the City Attorney and <br />Administrator to prepare alternate financing options for this <br />plan preparation. Carried 5-0. <br />D. State Aid Program - Bohrer presented a map showing the City's <br />12 year State Aid Program. He reviewed the previous problems the <br />City had with the road and corner designs of .45th, Julep and 47th <br />Streets.-. Plans to -finish . the �,'modi£ied design -are nearly <br />complete pending soil tests to establish the pavement and gravel <br />thickness. These tests are required,with Mn/DOT determined to <br />be the lowest; vender with anestimated cost of $700. Bohrer <br />requested Council authorization to have Mn/DOT do the required <br />testing so that the plans can be completed. He noted this is <br />eligible for reimbursement as an engineering cost within State <br />• limits. As_ limits are not always realistic,. the testing <br />costs may become part.of the assessment. A soil test would be <br />done on each road. This portion.of roadway was slated for 1984 <br />construction, but.because of the lower construction costs for <br />Keats Avenue and a larger State Aid.allotment to the City. ',funds - <br />are available for <br />Engineer proposed letting the construction contract in the summer, <br />do grading and put in the gravel base this fall, and apply the <br />surface in the spring of 1984. Bohrer further explained the <br />financial advantages of this proposal. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to authorize the Engineer to contract with <br />Mn/DOT to do the required soiltestingoh- 45th--St., Julep Avenue <br />and 47th=at:-a cost not to exceed $700. Carried 5-0. <br />5. 1983 STREET REHABILITATION PROGRAM: <br />Engineer Bohrer presented a comparative schedule for the proposed <br />Patch and Overlay Program vs alternate Patch and Sealcoat Program, <br />for Kendridge Additions, Tabl.yn Park, Bordner's Garner Farmettes <br />and Friedrich Heights. Bohrer noted that the Patch and Sealcoat <br />Program for Kendridge and Tablyn Park is about 15-16% of the cost <br />of the Patch and Overlay Program - this is due to the minor amount <br />of patching required in these two develoL.aents; while the cost of <br />the Patch and Sealcoat .Program is 52% of the Patch and Overlay in <br />Bordner Garner and 74% in Friedrich Heights. <br />
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