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SPECIAL JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN'P9 JUNE 14, 1983 <br />Chairman Prince opened the joint meeting at 7:40 P.M. <br />Commission members present: Graves, Lyall, Dreher, Lundquist-9 Peterson, Nazarian <br />Gifford, :Michels, and Moe, Absent Ryberg. Also present Administrator Whittaker <br />and all City Council members, <br />R-1 RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />Chairman Prince referred the Council to the Zoning Map and outlined the R-1 areas <br />that the Commission recommend.: be deleted from the Comp Plan, Ibis recommendation <br />is based on the suggestion of the Met Council, which indicated that Lake Elmo had <br />too many infi.11 areas planned. They consider all areas under 5acres as urban <br />density and will require metro sewer at some point in the future, As Lake Elmo <br />has no sewer plans, they will not provide sewer service should planned urban <br />density Lots be planned and developed and sewer problems arise. Therefore, they <br />sigggested that the City delete all 11-1 planned areas that are not actually in —fill <br />areas. (Specific areas were outlined in PZC minutes of March 28, 1983 ), <br />Comments: <br />--Eder — no problem in changing -the plan — have to have the property owners in and <br />find out what their commitment of the property is. <br />--.Whittaker. — outlined the areas that will remain planned R—l. <br />--Fraser — questioned the planned_R-1_area -around _Legion Pond. — should this be <br />planned R-1 because of potential water problems. <br />--Whittaker — each plat would have to be carefully reviewed. Explained PZC rational <br />—Nelson/Hageman Propose deleting the planned R-1 and. keeping -the RR zoning. <br />Area, to the east is Ag — presently no plan for other use. Property to west is Gun Club <br />and the Regional Park is to the north — R-1 appeared to be spot zoning at this <br />time. <br />—Deaubi.en—Seeler Area — retain as RR -- no present concentration of R-1 in this area <br />Presently larger lots — no need to encourage R-1 now. <br />--Schaefer (mining parcel off Jamaca) — presently zoned Ag and used for mining. <br />If 11-1 is desired in the future, owners can come in and apply for a rezoning. <br />Population projections for the City have not, come to pass. Presently 250 platted <br />and not 'built on lots in the City. Met Council feels City has too much planned <br />densi t-y. <br />--Fraser — would support this recommendation. This would give strong reason to <br />plan higher density and/or moderate cost housing in Section 32 where sewer is <br />available. <br />--Eder. — explained the Land Planning; Act. Agrees with the 10 ,year foreast; but <br />also sees the need for an ultimate development plan. <br />--Morgan — Concerned — Believes 1 1/2 acre lots can sustain themselves indefinately, <br />therefore, does not see a problem with. planning 1 1/2 acre lots. Can see this <br />would he a problem should sewer come in though. Generally agrees with Eder — <br />may see over—all development by year. 2010 — but this can be done on 1 1/2 acre lots. <br />--Mazzara — generally supports proposal. Concerned about Old Village area. <br />--Dorm — Sees this proposal as acceptable. <br />--Eder — in order to continue the on —site septic systems so that sewer is never <br />required, residents are going to have to accept and participate in a mandatory <br />septic inspection program. Residents will have to accept the responsibility of <br />keeping their systems in prime operational condition so as not to pollute the <br />ground water thereby negating the possibility of necessity of metro sewer. <br />T-914 RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />Prince outlined the planned business areas along I-94 and the recommended changes <br />proposed by the Commission. The Commission is suggesting enlarging the commercial/ <br />business areas around the hi gfiway intersections to encourage development in these <br />- areas and get away from the commercial highway "strip". <br />