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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING - 7/5/83 <br />Page 7 <br />Bike Trail - M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to have the County consider installing a <br />fence separating the bike trail from the west property owner and to include this <br />in the design. (Carried 5-0) <br />City Administrator was directed to send letters to property owners as to what <br />the Council recommended. <br />2. Assessments - Whittaker stated that adjacent property owners should <br />share in the cost of acquisition of right-of-way and access since improvement <br />would open development to property owners. One property owner that would <br />benefit would be Federal Land Company for shopping center. <br />0 Eder - main time it would be considered would be for residential and <br />commercial; here it's collector street with limited access. Until we get better <br />idea we can't make decision. <br />p Dunn - If money is not available to build this project, it shouldn't be built. <br />Benefi.tting property owners have already paid in other ways. <br />•Fraser - This primarily serves the Regional Park. <br />Consensus of Councillors was that they were not interested in assessments. <br />B. Park Commission Recommendations_ <br />1. Damage Deposit to $50.00 - M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to accept the <br />revised "Policy and Fees for Park Use in City of Lake Elmo" as submitted. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />2. Security Lights, Tablyn - M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan to approve the <br />purchase of a security light in the parking lot by the tennis courts. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />3. Revised 5-Year CIP - Whittaker suggested that Councillors look at <br />the 5-Year CIP presented before budget appropriations are made. <br />C. Ordinance 7954, Changing Wetland Setback - <br />M/S/P Morgan Dunn to adopt Ordinance 7954: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 1979 <br />MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WETLANDS. (Carried 5-0) <br />D. Resolution 83-45. Park Donations for Laree Lot Subdivision - <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to adopt Resolution 83-45: <br />A RESOLUTION RELATING TO PAYMENT OF THE FEE UNDER THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE <br />IN LIEU OF PARK DONATION AND REPEALING RESOLUTION 79-37. (Carried 5-0) <br />13. COUNCIL REPORTS <br />A. Mayor Eder, Lake Jane Flooding - (REF: Maynard L. Eder memo to City <br />Council regarding "Alternative Flood Control Measures for Lake Jane.") Eder <br />read alternatives to those present in audience. <br />9 Bohrer - Alternative between Items 11 and 12 would be to pump water through <br />Schaffer Contracting Gravel Pit since it is shorter distance. <br />o Morgan - would be good situation to review gravel pit percolation/seepage <br />basins and flow rates. <br />9 Richard Murray questioned the feasibility and economics of it. Option 1 seems <br />the most feasible. <br />9 Bohrer - this is semi permanent pond in first place so will hold sediment. <br />9 Scottie Lyle - there's concern of trees dying. <br />• Carol Kuettner - how feasible would it be to move 2 houses up? (Eder - <br />wouldn't have time to do this before flooding.) (Ken EV anoff - there's no way <br />houses could be moved up now with water so high.) <br />