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09-06-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-06-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/6/83 <br />Page 2 <br />• Harold Richert, Oakgreen - Mainly family hunts on Durand's <br />property and houses are well within 500-foot distance. People <br />can't get into Downs Lake area to hunt because property owners <br />won't give them permission. <br />• Peter Durand, 11332 20th Street South - I have 58 acres, have <br />been there since '49, and have never caused trouble for anybody. <br />I don't let outsiders hunt on property, only family; and they are <br />a long way from houses. <br />• Don Durand, 2901 Lake Elmo Avenue North - Biggest problem is <br />when County opened up goose hunting in this area. Feel petition <br />was poorly circulated (we didn't get a copy) and represents a <br />small area. Mr. Bird is feeding geese, etc. (unlawful in itself.) <br />and feel he is behind all this. <br />• Bill Herzfeld , 2960 Manning Avenue North - We own 105 acres and <br />my sons like to hunt. If no hunting, can I still shoot my hogs? <br />• Mervin Nippoldt. - How many game wardens do we have in County? <br />(Eder - one.) No wonder we don't have better protection. <br />• Ed Nielson, 9497 Stillwater Blvd - Jim Marnie spoke of <br />legitimate problem, but if "no hunting" incorporated same people <br />would violate ordinance. Laws have to be enforced. Petitioning <br />for one area infringes on larger property owners. We can do <br />something better on signs throughout whole city. <br />• Tom Armstrong - On my property I've had 15-20 violators arrested <br />in the past couple years, mostly out-of-town people. Could raise <br />present $200 fine. Currently, deputies are getting stricter in <br />enforcing ordinance; but no hunting only eliminates the good <br />hunters and the bad will still be there. <br />♦ Tom Boardman, 2377 Legion Lane North - Regarding Nielson and <br />Armstrong suggestions, people will continue to violate law. First <br />started to have problems last year when shells were flying over my <br />house and it wasn't safe for my children to be outside. Sheriff's <br />office refused to do anything about it and said to take it to DNR. <br />Now Legion area is more populated; don't intend to impose restric- <br />tions on others but question is one of safety. <br />• Jon Olson, 2134 Legion Court North - I and lots of friends ride <br />bikes through cornfield and I don't like shotgun shells going over <br />my head. <br />• Jim Marnie - Perhaps compromise could be made, i.e., densely <br />populated areas (1 to 1 1/2 acres) have no -hunting restrictions. <br />(Eder - State already gives property owners power to put up no - <br />hunting signs on their property.) <br />• Tom Armstrong - Signs could say "no hunting without permission." <br />• Mr. Richert - Agrees with Armstrong. <br />Council comments: <br />• Mayor Eder - City code hasn't changed for many years; situation <br />changed when County opened up goose hunting is this area. I feel <br />signs should be posted where people want them posted. <br />• Klaers - If there is special problem area, we should notify <br />Sheriff's Department and they could watch that area. (Eder - <br />think we should send them a letter) <br />• Morgan - There is problem in Legion Park area and need better <br />enforcement. Feel things people have suggested should be done at <br />least. <br />
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