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LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/6/83 <br />Page 3 <br />s Fraser - Focus should be on enforcement of present ordinance, <br />more publicity given to this issue (Newsletter could carry article <br />on regulations), Sheriff's office to be alerted by letter, City <br />Administrator to address issue with Sheriff, and City Administrat- <br />or could come back with more specific approach to +signage. <br />• Mayor Eder -- Also send letter to West Lakeland asking for their <br />cooperation since on Lake Elmo border. <br />Suggestions made by Councillors as to what citizens could do <br />to prevent hunters from hunting on their property: they could go <br />into house and call sheriff, be willing to testify, and let City <br />Administrator know of any problems. Tom Armstrong said evidence is <br />needed and he runs out with camera. <br />Consensus of Councillors was to do the things as suggested in <br />comments above, basically that is to step up enforcement of and <br />publicize present ordinance, have Administrator communicate <br />problems with Sheriff's Department, and to improve and increase <br />signage. <br />B. Tom Armstrong, Cottage Grove Ravine Watershed, Joint <br />Powers Agreement - Major problems aren't in Lake Elmo, Oakdale or <br />Afton but in Woodbury and Cottage Grove. Watershed District is <br />not popular because local communities would lose a lot of power; <br />it was written so that if Cottage Grove and Woodbury wanted to go <br />together on a project they could do it without Lake Elmo being <br />notified at all. Agreement favors Lake Elmo's position since <br />we're on top of Watershed ladder and gives Lake Elmo maximum <br />control. Any project ordered would take four votes and require <br />few changes in ordinance. If power is given to Watershed <br />District, Board would make appointments and not be within Lake <br />Elmo's control. It is agreed that all want to do everything at a <br />minimum. Regarding attorney Ray Marshall's comments, concerns <br />will be brought up at October 6 meeting where agreement will be <br />hashed over, and within month or two a final draft will be <br />recirculated and an agreement written that all cities would be <br />willing to accept. If Lake Elmo abides by its ponding policy, <br />there'll be no problems downstream. On withdrawal procedure, one <br />hopes this will work out; if not, agreement would have to be <br />rewritten by Watershed District which would be a disadvantage to <br />Lake Elmo regarding control and tax difficulties. After adoption, <br />plans will be put together with standards and cities will approve. <br />City Engineers would have to say city's standards are met, <br />therefore this is more a creature of the cities so expenses are <br />kept to a minimum (administrative expenses would level out to <br />about $.1,500 a year). <br />Consensus of Councillors was that they were not opposed to <br />the agreement as presented by Armstrong. <br />6. MAINTENANCE EXPENSES, DAVE WISDORF <br />A. Radio - Consensus of Councillors was to approve $25 <br />expenditure for mounting unit as suggested by Wisdorf. <br />