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10-04-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-04-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4--83 Page 9 <br />Discussion on the inspection procedures. Bohrer explained <br />that resident inspection meant someone was placed at the site and <br />observes the construction as it takes place. The City provides a <br />spot inspection to make sure it conforms to plans and <br />specifications but it is up to the developer to take care of it <br />on a day to day basis. <br />Peck - The items we would like to delete would be the 18" RCP, <br />the 18" RCP apron and the outlet structure. Those are items we <br />know need to be constructed but they are also items that hinge <br />upon us obtaining an easement to bring it across to Lake Jane. <br />At this point we may or may not need the City's help in obtaining <br />the easement. If we simply build one home and at the same time <br />do all of the grading and excavation of ponds the overflow, the <br />drainage system would be substantially better than it ever has <br />been, even without an outlet structure at this time. What we <br />would like to do is be able to have time to work out whatever <br />easement arrangements are necessary and put the outlet structure <br />in next year and have the City accept this is good faith that if <br />we deposit $30,000 in funds, we would be responsible enough to <br />complete the rest of the work next year. All of the work would <br />be completed by July 1, 1984. <br />Bohrer stated that the pipes would not be critical for just a <br />single home. <br />Eder - But we would be approving the final plat in order for that <br />house to get in there. <br />Bohrer - Yes. The three lots within Teal Pass Estates. <br />Eder - But all of this could be worked out in the wording in the <br />development agreement. <br />Bohrer - There may be an issue in terms of whether once you have <br />approved a plat, what kind of restrictions you can put in <br />building permits, but we don't believe that will be a problem. <br />Bohrer - What I would have to do is take the bid proposal, and I <br />would have to perform an estimate on it, deleting this 18" <br />concrete pipe and control structure. <br />Folz - We will send this out for bids probably Thursday (10-13- <br />83) and prior to your next Council meeting before the <br />development agreement could be signed, we would have a contract <br />and know exactly what the costs are. <br />Bohrer - What we are asking is for the Council to give some <br />direction to the City Engineer, the City Manager and the City <br />Attorney that the matters we are discussing,ie: not having to <br />bond for the one improvement, placing a cash escrow with the <br />9 <br />
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