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10-04-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-04-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 8 <br />drainfield is to be fitted between existing trenches which we <br />have discouraged in the past and which even the DNR is <br />questioning. So I think the number of variances and the extent <br />of them is excessive. <br />Mazzara - I agree with this. I just can't see putting another <br />problem in that area. <br />(Motion Carried 5-0) <br />Gervais - I guess we should takeup the drainage problem next. <br />The storm drainage that is running into my lot without any <br />easements. You have your storm system picking up catch basins <br />and right into the center of the lot which is eroding and we are <br />picking up practically all of the gravel in the whole <br />neighborhood. There is no easement to dump storm sewers into my <br />lot. <br />Mayor Eder suggested that Mr. Gervais taie the matter up with the <br />City Administrator. <br />5. Engineer's Report: <br />A. Construction Plans for Teal Pass Estates <br />(Formerly Lake Jane Estates) <br />Bohrer stated that he had reviewed the construction plans, <br />specifications, proposal documents, grading and erosion plans, <br />and recommended items to be added or clarified. Stated he had <br />also estimated the escrow bond or letter of credit for the <br />improvements to be constructed next spring, following the <br />completion of the grading and gravel base that they would like to <br />do this fall prior to the final plat signing. That estimate is <br />$16,500. <br />Dennis Peck stated that not only did they want to install certain <br />improvements this fall but they also wanted to build one home .' <br />His proposal for the Council's consideration is to immediately <br />post a cash bond in a sum to be determined which would be <br />sufficient to take care of the improvements this year and escrow <br />for the bulk of the improvements for next year. He stated that <br />there is approximately $31,000 to $32,000 total construction <br />costs that is not including the extra 25% for escrows. What we <br />would like to have the Council consider is bonding immediately <br />for all those items except the overflow pipe and the overflow <br />easement. We would like to address those as a separate issue. <br />That would mean that we would bond about $25,000 plus the 25% for <br />cash escrow to the City as soon as we could work out the details <br />with the development contractor. We would then like permission <br />to start one home. The City then would have the insurances that <br />the work would be done this fall, if not you would certainly have <br />the escrow required to get this done in the sring. <br />
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