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10-04-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-04-83 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 6 <br />B. Castle Design (Variance and shoreland permit) Hill Trail No. <br />(Ken Gervais - Lots 228,229,230,231,232 and the NEly <br />1/2 of vacated West Shore Drive adjoining Lot 228, all <br />in Lanes Demontreville Country Club. <br />Pursuant to public notice, this public hearing is to consider the <br />petition from Castle Design for variances and shoreland permit. <br />The request involves at least two variances. Variance from lot <br />size and variance for structure set back from the water. The <br />engineer has stated that he does not believe that a variance can <br />be given from the drainfield setback from the water. <br />Bohrer - I have researched that a little further with the DNR <br />and they have stated that in the State Shoreland Regulation a <br />variance can be given to that set back on a sub -standard pre- <br />existing lot, which seems to fit into this catagory. <br />Eder - At one time this had to be a common ownership lot. Would <br />someone from Castle Design give us some history on the <br />acquisition of this lot? <br />Ken Gervais - The lot was purchased in 1979. The lot was <br />apparently part of another parcel. The person that owned it was <br />transferred and got a lot -split and sold the house off and made <br />this into two lots. I came in 1979 and asked the City if it was <br />a buildable lot as it stands and I was told yes by your building <br />inspector. This property was in an individual ownership. I did <br />not buy it from the gentleman next door, I bought it from a <br />person in Beaumont, Texas. It was in one ownership, by itself. <br />Eder - It is a very marginal piece of land. I think we have <br />taken a position where we didn't want trenches located inside of <br />other trenches in the future. That being a secondary drainfield. <br />The amount of land above water is probably less than 1/4 acre or <br />maybe 3/10 of an acre. <br />Discussion on shoreland set back. There is a conflict between <br />ordinances. The zoning district says 30 feet and the shoreland <br />says 20 feet. Mayor Eder instructed the City Administrator to <br />have this conflict corrected. <br />Morgan - What is the average lot size in the area? <br />Whittaker - 26,800 square feet. <br />Eder - I am personally in favor of the City doing research on <br />these transfer titles. These are the kinds of things we were <br />am <br />
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