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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 7 <br />hoping to prevent over the last twenty years. I don't know how <br />this slipped thru the cracks, how it got divided. There has been <br />a minimum of an acre for back at least to the early 701s. All of <br />these deeds must be signed or initialed by the City Administrator <br />or City official. <br />Whittaker - Not if they are platted property or parcels of <br />record. <br />Eder - Maybe interpretation changes over time. We had problems <br />with that in 1974 and 1975 and we laid down the law and said that <br />anything less than an acre you must send it out here. <br />Whittaker - I don't think they have been doing it. <br />Morgan - Would you clarify the rule again. Obviously it doesn't <br />make the 1-1/2 acres, then it must meet the average of the lot <br />sizes in the vicinity. <br />Whittaker - The ordinance says 60% of 1-1/2 acres which is about <br />39000 square feet. We had so many parcels in Lane's DeMontreville <br />that didn't meet that 60% rule, the Council set up a policy <br />saying that if they had the average of the other built on lots in <br />the subdivision which is that 261800 square feet, then they would <br />consider the variance. <br />Eder - Is there a reason this application was made in June and we <br />are just getting it now. <br />Bohrer - There was a preliminary review and a letter sent out in <br />July stating that different information was needed; (1) Show the <br />location of the proposed septic tank and pump station within set <br />backs; (2) Set backs of drainfield area to water is 75 feet from <br />high flood; (3) drainfield must be designed to accomodate 600 <br />gallons per day. I also stated that every home in Lake Elmo is <br />assumed to have a garbage disposal for sizing drainfields. I <br />pointed out the lot size and the variance for the structure set <br />back that would be required. <br />Eder - I guess the problem that I have is that after someone <br />has invested some money this has to be disappointing. <br />M/S/P (Fraser/Mazzara Move to deny request for Shoreland Permit <br />and deny variance for lot size and structure setback from the <br />water. <br />Fraser - The reason I move to deny is that I think there are too <br />many variances required and that each of them requires too great <br />a variance. Lot size, you are looking at 1-1/2 acres and we <br />have either .39 or .52. With setback from the water, feet.With <br />the drainfield, 75 is required but 65 is possible. The <br />oil' <br />C 7 <br />0 <br />