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01-03-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-03-84 CCM
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Agerldd Me1110 POP 1-3-811 City U0UY1011 Inn111 1111', TILT <br />will be handed out at tho Courlcll. 1,111)10. '1'h111 w111 h( <br />identical to Jim's previous contract and the staff will <br />be recommending approval. <br />D. MUSA LINE: The Metropolitan Council has advised us that <br />I unless we change the MUSA Line that we have recently <br />changed in our Comp. Plan ammendments, they will <br />consider this MUSA Line as Metropolitan significant. <br />Therefore, the Comp. Plan would go thru a ninety -day <br />review process. <br />Please see the attached memo from Larry Whittaker to the <br />Planning Commission dated November 22nd, explaining this <br />MUSA Line situation. There is also a map attached. The <br />situation is much easier to explain at a meeting and I <br />will be prepared to do so, but the following is an <br />attempt to exlain the attached map. <br />Originally, our MUSA Line was the line that is labeled "A" <br />on the map. I believe this line ran directly north and <br />south on the section line between Section 32 and 33. In <br />revising our Comp. Plan, the City altered its MUSA Line <br />to the line labeled "B" on the map. <br />This "B" line is one -quarter mile east of the original <br />MUSA Line and was extended further east along Fourth <br />Street to include Highway Business uses. Line "C" on <br />the attached map, in heavy outline, is the suggested <br />MUSA Line by the Metropolitan Council. <br />All of this was presented to the Planning Commission at <br />its December 12th meeting. The Planning Commission then <br />came up with a new compromise for the MUSA Line. They <br />are recommending to the City Council that we change our <br />present MUSA Line ("B") to a north/south line running <br />between Section 32 and 33, where the original MUSA Line <br />was, south to Fourth Street and then have the MUSA Line <br />run east and south following the heavy dark line (last <br />part of "C"). The reasoning of the Planning Commission <br />for the compromise is that everyone in Section 32 has <br />been assessed for sewer, and that these people should <br />not be excluded from the MUSA Line. Again, if this <br />appears confusing, it's because it is. I will be <br />prepared to explain this with a map at the Council <br />table. <br />E. Additioal Park Worker Dave Eder, Park Shelter <br />Supervisor, has in ormed me he needs one additional <br />worker this winter season. <br />Last year the City had four workers and this year we <br />have authorized only three. Dave has indicated to me <br />that Al Delander will be willing to work approximately <br />ten hours a week to fill out the schedule. Al's <br />application is expected in the office any day, and this <br />
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