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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 17, 1984 PAGE 6 <br />The Council was in favor of this open house and the City Engineer will <br />proceed with his plans. <br />6. City Council Reports. <br />A. POW/MIA Proclamation <br />Eder presented the National P.O.W./M.I.A Proclamation designating July <br />20, 1984 be observed as "National POW/MIA Recognition Day". He further <br />stated that the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs is requesting <br />that the mayors of our County issue a proclamation and if possible, fly <br />the POW/MIA flag in recognition of the POW/MIA's on this date. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan - To proclaim July 20, 1984 as "National POW/MIA <br />Recognition Day". (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. Administrator's Report <br />A. Citizens on Lake levels. <br />Gary Tewinkel, on behalf of the residents living on Lakes Olson and <br />DeMontreville, presented a petition signed by 42 individuals on the two <br />lakes requesting the boating ban on these two lakes be lifted <br />immediately. The reasons for wanting this ban lifted are (1) they would <br />like to continue the multi -use of the lake; (2) the season is very <br />short; (3) the level of these two lakes warrant the lifting of the <br />ban; <br />The Administrator stated he spoke with Dick Murray and as of Friday, <br />July 13th, the water level had not yet dropped to the 930 level where <br />the ban could be lifted. Without any more rain, it is anticipated that <br />the ban would be off shortly. <br />There was concern expressed by the residents that they were not included <br />in the decision to set the levels for Lakes Olson and DeMontreville at <br />930. The residents would like to be notified when the public hearings <br />take place for the adoption of the ordinance pertaining to lake levels. <br />Morgan stated that the intention was to store eight inches of water on <br />Lakes Olson and DeMontreville with sandbags. What he would like to see <br />is to remove the no -wake ban on these lakes and have it reapplied when <br />the water got to the level of eight inches above the weir. <br />The Engineer stated that the appropriate level for these two lakes is <br />the same level at which the decision is made to put sandbags on the <br />weir, should that every happen again. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To adopt Resolution 84-44 removing the no -wake <br />ban on Lakes Olson and DeMontreville and reinstating it only if the <br />necessity for sandbagging occurs; (and the City Administrator will <br />research the correct level at which the no -wake ban will be enforced <br />which will be part of this resolution). <br />B. Pat Hagberg - 201 Program. <br />Mrs. Hagberg explained to the Council that when the letter for the 201 <br />