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07-03-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-03-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7-3-84 PAGE 2 <br />Fraser stated she is reluctant to grant this request because (1) two <br />non -conforming lots would be created out of one conforming lot; (2) <br />the expressed objections of the neighbors who bought and built <br />anticipating one set of circumstances and that this would not change. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - To adopt Resolution 84-41 granting a simple lot <br />subdivision to Howard and Gaylen Springborn at Lot 9, Block 2, <br />Springborn's Green Ac,_es with the condition that one lot be eliminated <br />when Phase 2 is developed. (Motion carried 4-1 <Fraser>). <br />B. 201 Update <br />The City Engineer referenced his letter of June 27, 1984 in which he <br />describes some engineering difficulties experienced regarding the <br />placement of the proposed systems; and also additional requests from <br />the PCA regarding backhoe excavation on each joint drainfield site in <br />addition to the usual borings and pert tests. Bohrer further stated <br />that he will be meeting with the PCA next week for a mid -course review. <br />There may be other additional requirements asked of us by the PCA at <br />that time or during the review process. <br />For reasons outlined in his letter of June 27, 1984, the Engineer does <br />not believe it will be possible to complete the plans and <br />specifications by the previously extended July 7, 1984 completion date. <br />The PCA has not yet acted on the first time extension; therefore, he <br />feels the time extension request should be revised two more months to <br />September 7, 1984. Although the Engineer does not think he will need <br />the full two months, he feels it is wise to ask for more time than is <br />actually needed. He has reviewed this proposal with the PCA staff and <br />they have no problem with it. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - To approve the request from the City Engineer to <br />revise the projects schedule and amendment #2 of the Engineering <br />Agreement to show the completion of plans and specifications before <br />September 7, 1984. (Motion. carried 5-0). <br />Bohrer advised the Council that some individuals have withdrawn from <br />the program and some have asked to be added to the program. When <br />individuals have told him they were not interested in the program, he <br />sent them a form letter and acknowledgement sheet. He did not receive <br />acknowledgements from seven individuals. Upon contacting them by <br />telephone, he now finds at least two individuals want back into the <br />program. This proposes a problem for TKDA as they have released their <br />soil testing contractor. Any additional soil testing will be a direct <br />out-of-pocket expense for TKDA. The cost, per lot, for residents <br />desiring to be included in this program would be approximately $300. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Fraser - To allow the two or three residents who had a need <br />for septic system improvements but at first did not want to be in the <br />201 Program and now desire to be, contingent upon the residents paying <br />up to $300 for the soil tests; or providing TKDA with soil tests <br />performed by a certified soil tester. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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