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LAKE ELMO CITY'ICOUNCIL MINUTES 9-4-84 <br />PAGE 10 <br />1A. OHWM set by the DNR <br />Eder stated that there is some question raised about these OHWM's and <br />if we can get a meeting between the City Engineer and the VBWD <br />Engineer and exchange information as to how they set the OHWM. <br />-Be.cause the :most criticaltione is.:on Lake Jqne, the:Engineer'.s can <br />either -tell us they-agree--with--how they set them or they can help <br />negotiate and point out that the DNR has made an error and get the <br />right OHWM s,o.--that question can and we can move on with <br />the 509 Plan:. <br />M/S/P Eder/Morgan - To authorize the City Engineer to participate in <br />negotiations to review the OHWM set on Lake Jane. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />2. Joint Powers Agreement regarding the Bond Sale for <br />the 201 Program. <br />A copy of the Joint -Powers Agreement the Council <br />table. The Engineer felt he_has.not had enough time to review this <br />agreement; but did .point .out.- one -area- of concern which is "Disbursements", <br />which indicates. -how the City•is.goingto get their money:,- The agreement <br />says, that "The County..sha-11 not le-ss often than;semiAhinually di-sburse <br />these funds". The Engineer feels we.should have our funds more often <br />than semiannually.- <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with \ ` <br />Washington County on the Bond Sale for the 201 Program, contingent <br />upon a favorable review and recommendation by the City Attorney, City <br />Engineer and City Administrator. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />3. Pebble Park Tennis Court <br />The Engineer reported that the improvements to the Pebble Park Tennis <br />Courts has begun and is expected to be completed in one week. <br />7. City Council Reports <br />There were no City Council Reports. <br />8. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Recommendation to Washington County for appointments <br />to VBWD. <br />The Administrator advised the Council that Dick Murray and Allen <br />Dornfeld have expressed -interest. in being reappointed -to the. .VBWD. <br />The Administrator further pointedoutthat some changes in the process <br />to be used for appointment of managers to watershed district boards <br />have been made. Previously, managers had been appointed through <br />Washington County's open appointments process in which any citizen <br />residing within the affected watershed district could submit an <br />application to the County Administrator's Office. The County Board <br />then made an appointment from those applicants. <br />