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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-20-84 PAGE 6 <br />become effective upon the date specified by the City Administrator. <br />The City Administrator shall make every effort to notify the public of <br />such restrictions by notifying local newspapers and attempting to make <br />this restriction published as a news item. All public lakes accesses <br />shall be posted prior to and during the time such restrictions are in <br />place. In addition, notice of such a restriction shall be posted at <br />the Lake Elmo City Hall. Said restrictions shall be removed promptly <br />when water levels have receded. <br />Mr. Sinclair asked if the weir was going to be sandbagged again, which <br />would in turn create a higher Lake DeMontreville and a higher Lake <br />Olson. Anyone that wanted to water ski couldn't do it - not through <br />the fault that the lake levels wouldn't be below that level, but the <br />fact the the weir was sandbagged, therefore creating an increase in <br />water levels on Lakes Olson and DeMontreville. He sympathized with the <br />people on Lake Jane and feels that the people at the meeting this <br />summer would agree that we would do anything within reason to <br />alleviate their problems. However, you also have to be realistic in <br />that there were a few people that live on Lakes DeMontreville and <br />Olson that signed the petition to lower that "fictitious" level which <br />was set by two or three people who live on Lake DeMontreville or Lake <br />Olson. This was something that came up at a public hearing where the <br />resident- stated they were having water. problems - either thru improper <br />setting up of retaining walls or whatever, but the majority of the <br />people living.,Orplson and DeMontreville did not have a say in setting <br />the lake levels. Even when the petition was brought up, we were able <br />to raise the restriction level somewhat, but maybe it was a fictitious <br />level to begin with. If the weir is sandbagged, and you get as much <br />rain as we had, obviously when the lake rises due to the rain you are <br />not going to have the same level as if the bags were not there. You <br />can't put a penalty on 98% of the people on Lakes DeMontreville and <br />Olson because of the fact that the lake is rising due to the <br />sandbagging of the weir. <br />Mr. Bill Rowe 8286 Hidden Bay Court agreeded with Mr. Sinclair and <br />stated that the level that has been set is reasonable if it is not <br />artifically set - no sandbags. Also, you should define when you will <br />remove the restrictions, because it hasn't been noted at what level <br />the restriction will be removed. The motion said "when the water <br />receded", and I would suggest that you make that below the level that <br />has already been designated as when the restriction comes on. If you <br />add that to .the motion it should cover our concerns. <br />Mr. Dan Weisbord, 8111 Hill Trail concurs with Mr. Sinclair and Mr. <br />Rowe and added that we have an established level with the weir and if <br />nobody messes with it (by sandbagging), it is something everyone can <br />live with. <br />Eder asked if there was anyone present that lived on Lake <br />DeMontreville or Olson that would object to striking the boating <br />restrictions from the ordinance and refer only to Lake Jane. The <br />problem that has to be addressed is on Lake Jane. We were trying to <br />be fair at the time we imposed these restrictions, because that is <br />what was being proposed (the sandbagging). <br />Dr. Bill Woodworth asked to go on record as agreeing with everything <br />that has been said at this meeting. The main problem is on Lake Jane. <br />We are all concerned about this problem on Lake Jane, but there is not <br />much that we can do abc•-tt it. The sandbagging of the weir has limited <br />