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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-7-84 PAGE .10 <br />replacing the mailboxes that are damaged, as long as the homeowner <br />would submit a cost record and do the work themselves. <br />Dunn stated that there are two reasons why the Old Village area has <br />been praised for its efficient snow removal service. If the equipment <br />was fueled and ready to go in the morning the operator could start <br />earlier„ Also, the crew should start earlier. Anytime before <br />daylight; is a lot safer because there is very little traffic. <br />Wisdorf stated there are still normal maintenance things that have to <br />be checked in the morning before the trucks leave the shop. On the <br />most part, they are ready to go, except for checking tires, oil, <br />blades, etc. <br />Eder asked about the bump on the North side or Lake Jane, where the <br />culvert was put in. <br />The Engineer suggested that unless it is something that we can't live <br />with this year, he would rather wait until spring to fix this bump to <br />see if there is some settlement before we make the developer go in and <br />repair it. What happened here was there was a storm sewer crossing <br />across Jane Road North as part of the Neudahl improvements. When the <br />subcontractor repaired the blacktop, he overfilled it and now there is <br />a bump. If' this is a problem, the excess blacktop could be shaved <br />off. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To accept the Snow Control Policy and Routes as <br />presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Wisdorf asked if he should still pursue the truck and the wing. The <br />equipment that was used last, year worked well enough to serve the <br />purpose. The reason for the wing was it could be done a little <br />faster. It is not a necessary item, it is something that he would <br />like to have on the truck, and if he cannot get it this year, he would <br />like to get it next, year. The entire purpose of the wing is to <br />improve productivity. <br />Consensus of the Council is for Wisdorf to pursue getting this wing. <br />B. Oak Wilt Disease Problem in the Iiighl.and Trails Area. <br />The Council reviewed the memo from the Maintenance Foreman regarding <br />the trees with oak wilt disease on Lot 14, Block 2, DeMontrevi.11e <br />Highlands 6th Addition. It was noted that the owner of this lot, <br />Roger Derrick of Derrick Land Company has requested that, the City <br />remove these trees and assess him the cost for doing so. For the City <br />to proceed with this work, there is a public hearing requirement with <br />legal notice published twice :in the City's official. newspaper. Notice <br />will be published In the official newspaper on November 7th and 14th <br />and this public hearing will be held on November 20th, 1.984. <br />The City has received a bid to do this work from S & S Tree <br />Specialists, Inc, in the amount of $2900 which does not include any <br />stump grinding. <br />