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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-7--&4 PAGE 9 <br />ineligible costs and divided it by the number of individuals <br />participating in the program and came up with about $1000 per <br />individual. The rational for that is that everyone, regardless of <br />their soil conditions or situations, received the same benefit: a <br />septic system that is to present City Code. However, in the 131 <br />systems that are being upgraded., some will take a much smaller <br />improvement than others. The Engineer asked the Council for their <br />opinion as to whether or not we should still go with an equalized <br />share to everyone, or should it be based on what their actual system <br />requires. <br />Dunn feels that the participants should be charged according to their <br />individual cost. There will be the off -site systems which are very <br />expensive, and the indiviudal with an on -site system shouldn't have to <br />pickup a percentage of that cost. <br />Morgan would like to see some kind of a sliding scale where the people <br />would have a maximum rate, but yet the complexity of the problem would <br />be reflected too. <br />The Engineer stated that would not be a complicated procedure because <br />it will be a unit price contract. We will. know how many feet of pipe, <br />how many yards of sod, etc., went into each indiviudal system. So at <br />the time of the assessment hearing it won't be very difficul.t to <br />calculate that. <br />The Engineer stated that; the City will be divided into four contracts. <br />i Three of the contracts will handle the 97 on --site upgrades. The <br />fourth contract will be for all of the off -site and collector type <br />systems. The Engineer feels comfortable that he can extract individual <br />systems from the bid. <br />It was the consensus of the Council that the Engineer state at the <br />public hearing that the average cost will be $1000, but the property <br />owner, will. have to pay their fair share of the improvement that takes <br />place to serve their home. <br />7. City Council Reports (None) <br />8. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Review City Snowplowing routes and policy. <br />The Council reviewed the snowplowing routes, snowplowing policy, maps <br />and memo from the Maintenance Foreman. <br />Discussion on alternating where the snowplowing would start. The <br />Maintenance Foreman stated that because of the way that the routes are <br />constructed and the dead -ends, he feels their present route is the <br />most feasible. <br />Eder stated that if a truck inadvertantly hits a mailbox and shears it <br />off, the City should pay for replacing the box. <br />Wisdorf stated he would go along with the City incurring the cost of <br />