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Y <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-7-811 PAGE 3 <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - That the City accept the bond amount of $300 if <br />someone in the City is so inclined to request a recount. (Motion <br />carried 2-0-2 <Eder> <Morgan>). <br />Mr. Robert Peterson, a Lake Elmo resident, stated that his <br />understanding from people that he has talked to, was that there were <br />over 300 ballots thrown out because the voter used a pen to vote <br />instead of the stylus that was provided, and feels that if this is <br />true, we should have a re -vote in Lake Elmo. <br />The Administrator stated that the black marking pen that was used by <br />some of the voters did not punch the tab out. However, when you <br />looked at the ballot you could clearly see how the voter intended to <br />vote because of the ink mark. The staff talked to the County and <br />asked what was proper way to handle these votes. The County responded <br />that the ballots could be remade as the intention of the voter was <br />clearly visible and known. Therefore, all ballots that had a black <br />ink spot on them instead of being actually punched thru were remade at <br />the County. <br />Mr.. Peterson questioned whether or not this was legal. Iie knows of <br />cases where some of the ballots were thrown out. <br />The Administrator stated that the County advised us of the procedures, <br />and they indicated that those ballots could be remade (and there was <br />only 20 of them). The 300 figure referred to, is the number of voters <br />that chose not to cast a ballot for the mayor or city council race. <br />Mazzara asked for clarification as to how the twenty cards were <br />remade. Did they punch the hole where the black mark was, or dial they <br />make up a new ballot. <br />The Administrator stated he was not sure if the black holes were <br />punched out, but thought that a new ballot was made. <br />Sandy Nazarian asked if the twenty ballots that were remade were <br />inclusive in the twenty-nine ballots that were damaged, or was this <br />over and above the twenty-nine damaged. <br />The Administrator stated that the twenty-nine damaged ballots included <br />the ballots with the black dots on them. <br />6. City Engineer' Report <br />A. Public Hearing for consideration of proposed City Ordinance <br />7964, amending the Surface Water'Use Ordinance, in <br />conformance with R84-44. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:38 <br />p.m. in the Council chambers. <br />The Administrator stated that earlier this summer, the City Council. <br />adopted a Resolution restricting boating activities on Lakes Olson, <br />DeMontreville and Jane during periods of high water. The original <br />