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11-07-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTI?S 11.-7-84 13AGE 11 <br />Resol.uti.on 84-40 called for restricting activities on Lake Jane when <br />the lake reaches flood level of 924, and on Lakes Olson and <br />DeMontreville when they reach flood level of 930.0. This Resolution <br />was subsequently amended by Resolution 64-44 in July of 1.984. <br />Resolution 84-411 amended Resolution 84-40 and called for restricting <br />activities on Lakes Olson and DeMontreville when they reach .level <br />930.25. Both of these Resolutions were sent to the DNR and met: with <br />Its approval. The DNR subsequently requested that these restrictions <br />be put into Ordinance form, and added to our Surface Water Use <br />Ordinance 1511. <br />A .resident asked if this proposed Ordinance is lowering or raising the <br />level. <br />The Administrator stated that the level in the Resolution for Lakes <br />Olson and DeMontreville is 930.25 (up from 930.0) and the Lakes are <br />below that level right, now. <br />Mr. Bill Woodworth asked if the proposed level is at the level of the <br />weir in Lakes Olson and, or is It above the weir. <br />Eder responded that the water would have to get above the weir by .35 <br />of a foot before this restriction would apply. <br />Mr. Woodworth stated that last year when this restriction was applied, <br />it was done when there were two or three levels of sandbags piled up <br />on the lip of the weir.. What you are saying now, is that when any <br />water goes over that weir, the restrictions can be applied. <br />Eder stated it is .35 of a foot above it. It could be roughly four <br />Inches above the edge of the outflow. <br />Mr. Woodworth asked if we plan on sandbags again to hold back the <br />water.. <br />Eder responded that the Ordinance says we couldn't place the <br />restrictions unless It got that high. It is not assuming that we <br />would do that - that would be a separate: decision. If that were done', <br />it could contribute to this decision. <br />Mr. Rowe stated that since he lives on a lake, he feels the City's <br />Ordinance is a waste of time since the City's enforcement policy is <br />not the responsibility of the City. The normal restrictions on the <br />lake are not enforced, even right now. At 7:00 this morning, a boat <br />roared thru the channel... there is a sign clearly marked, so when ,you <br />put this kind of a restricion on, you have no power to enforce it <br />except to ask the County, and the County is not sufficiently staffed. <br />to enforce the restrictions. You are not achieving the objective you <br />set out to to prevent erosion around the lakes. <br />Morgan asked how the levels were established. When Lake Jane is at <br />9211, that is a real flood condition. When. Lake Olson is four inches <br />above the weir, he does not feel that is a flood condition and feels <br />there is some reason to question <br />q putting the no -wake ordinance on at <br />that low level. Lake Jane is three feet above its normal level, and <br />
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