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11-07-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-84 CCM
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a <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-7-84 PAGE 6 <br />Lake Olson to bleed the lake down 1-1/2 feet. It has not been agreed <br />to .lower the weir permanently, but VBWD has suggested it. The DNR <br />said."no", but VBWD will determine that the operation of the lake <br />between 1.-1/2 feet below the top is consistant with the way the lake <br />has behaved in the past. <br />Once the 509 Plan is approved, the schedule for implementation is (if <br />the counting would start now) to see construction during 1986. <br />Realistically, it is too late to see anything happen in 1985. <br />Eder stated that he knows there are some strong feelings both up and <br />down on the lake levels, and suggested in the best interest of others <br />that may want to comment, we should continue this hearing until the <br />next meeting. <br />M/S/P Eder/Morgan - To continue this public hearing for the proposed <br />ordinance 7964 - Surface Water Use at the 11-20-84 meeting. <br />B. VBWD request to continue pumping from Lake Jane to Park <br />Pond after 11/15/84. <br />Mr. Dick Murray stated we have had over five inches of rain in <br />October. The year to date rainfall is almost eleven inches over <br />normal. As a result of this, we have got almost as much water In the <br />watershed system as we had after the June rains. There is'407 acre <br />feet more water in the Lake Jane sub -watershed than we had a year. ago <br />November. A similar condition exists downstream in the West Lakeland <br />area where we have 189 excess acre feet of water.' The water in West - <br />Lakeland has now reached down to Fifth Street, which is the farthest <br />point south that it as ever been. VBWD would like to continue <br />operating the pump on Lake Jane, past the November 15th agreed upon <br />date, and remove as much water from Jane that is possible. VBWD is <br />willing to live with an agreement that if we get significant snowfall, <br />whereby the water flowing from Park Pond would impair the cross <br />country skiing, they would terminate pumping. <br />Park Pond has gone down about one foot since October 20th, and a lot <br />of that is because the diesel pumping from Lake Jane was stopped. The <br />diesel pump was shut off on August 30th. The diesel pump was stopped <br />because Lake Jane was down to an elevation of about 922 feet. It was <br />costing about, $250 a day to operate the diesel pump, and with the <br />water that was upstream at that time, VBWD felt that the electric pump <br />would be adequate to .receed Lake Jane. Lakes Olson and DeMontreville <br />were well below the weir. <br />Sunfish Lake is two feet above where it was one year ago, and it is <br />still rising. Sunfish Lake did not rise during October equal to the <br />amount of rainfall we had. There is still a significant, amount of <br />seepage out of Sunfish Lake, yet there is no disputing the fact that <br />it came up two feet since a year ago. The water is probably within <br />three vertical feet from the machine shed that Mr. Beaubien has, and <br />it probably has inundated a well that he has near his machine shed, <br />which he uses for irrigation. His house is well above any of the <br />flood levels. The top of Mr. Beaubien`s well is not sealed, it looks <br />like a pipe that was a sandpoint. The well is about forty -feet deep, <br />
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