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11-07-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-84 CCM
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a <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-7•-84 PAGE 7 <br />and should be sealed up. The enforcement of capping the well would <br />have to come from the Health Department. <br />Morgan stated he could see no harm in running the pump as long as we <br />don't get the slush dams like we have previously. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara, - To allow VBWD to run the pump in Lake <br />Jane until there is significant snow that could cause a problem. <br />(Motion carried 14-0). <br />C. Review request from Jerry Kromschroeder .for. City Water <br />Service and Main Extension. <br />Mr. Kromschroeder stated in his letter of October 9, 1984 that in the <br />process of laying some preliminary groundwork for the future <br />construction of a home on Lot 2, Block 1, Ruths First Addition he was <br />informed by the the Building Official that the existing city water <br />main in 32nd Street North is dead -ended at a fire hydrant <br />approximately 260 feet east of his property line, and that, another <br />water main is also dead -ended in 33rd Street approximately one block <br />north of his property. Having city water available to his property <br />would be more desireabl.e than installing a well and pump system. He <br />.requests that the City consider extending the existing water mains in <br />32nd and 33rd Streets and connecting the two mains together, thus <br />completing the water main loop which would improve the performance of <br />the water system in that area of the City.. The benefits from <br />extending the water main would not only affect Lot 2, but also Lot 1 <br />and the property west of the intersection of Klondike Avenue and 32nd <br />Street. <br />The City Engineer stated that a couple of years back, he was asked to <br />look at the whole water system and see what recommendations he might <br />have to improve the overall reliability of the water system. When he <br />looked at the water system, he suggested that one of the improvements <br />that should be made, either as :funds become available or as the <br />extensions are regested, is to .loop two present dead -ends (those on <br />33rd and 32nd). If the Council would like to proceed, the Engineer <br />recommended to find out; who has water and who does not, or who has <br />paid for part of the water main and who hasn't. The Engineer is under <br />the impression that a water service has been extended beyond the point; <br />that is shown to someone that may have the benefit of water who may <br />have never paid for any water main in front of their house. He also <br />feels that we could inquire with a mailing as far as who else in the <br />area migh be interested in public water. <br />In response to a question from the Council as to how much more <br />capacity our city water system could service, the Engineer responded <br />that would not be a problem. In fact, that inter -connection would <br />provide better supply capabilities than just reaching out like we do <br />know. The benefit would be both in the quantity and quality of the <br />water. The quality benefits are that dead -ends have a tendency to <br />accumulate stagnant water, and the ends need to be flushed more <br />frequently to get rid of taste and odor problems. The quantity <br />benefit is that it provides each fire hydrant to be supplied by two <br />pipes instead of one. The pressure loss is split in half. Having two <br />
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