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11-07-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-7-84 PAGE 8 <br />six inch mains feeding a fire hydrant is about the same as having one <br />eight inch. Another benefit would be if there is a break in the main, <br />with this inter -connection it could be valved in such a way that you <br />could keep more people in service if there was a break. <br />Regarding the cost of this project, the Maintenance Foreman stated <br />that restoration of the street could be quite costly. The trees are <br />right on the .road, and it may be beneficial to remove the trees and <br />widen the street because as it is now, it is tough .for a school bus, <br />or any other type of vehicle, to meet In that narrow area. <br />i <br />Eder reminded the Council that they had a similar request previous to <br />this one. The previous request was dropped after the City had spent <br />money, and Eder stated that the applicant would have to move with a <br />petition guaranteeing that the applicant will. not back out. <br />The Engineer stated if this is to be a assessed project, certain <br />procedures have to be followed. A feasibility report needs to be <br />prepared, a public hearing has to be held, etc. <br />Mr. Kromschroeder stated that he would prefer to have city water <br />rather than a well, but if it is going to be outrageously expensive <br />and If it will make all the neighbors unhappy, he will put In his own <br />well. <br />Morgan stated he feels that the City would like to put the water thru, <br />but does not have the kind of money to do that without assessing. <br />Eder suggested that the adjacent property owners be advised by letter <br />of this request to find out if there is any other interest from these <br />property owners. <br />Consensus of the Council. is to contact the residents, including those <br />on Klondike, inviting them to respond to this proposal. <br />Mr. Kr.omschroeder pointed out, regarding the corner of Klondike and <br />32nd Street which is a very sharp corner, that sometime in the past a <br />portion of his property was deeded to the City to round off that <br />corner to make it safer. If the street Is going to be torn up anyway, <br />and possibly made wider, that might be the time to put in the:, water <br />main. <br />D. Other <br />The Engineer informed the Council that the County Board will hold a <br />public hearing on Wednesday, November 8, 1984 for the purpose of <br />ordering all of the 201, improvements for which'the County, thru a bond <br />sale, is going to provide the interim financing. Lake Elmo is one of <br />those communities. The County has asked a representative from each of <br />the communities in the program to make a short presentation and be <br />available to answer any questions. The Engineer will attend the <br />meeting on behalf of the City. <br />The Engineer asked to review the cost to the individual. In previous <br />discussions of the estimated cost to the individual, we took the total <br />
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