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12-18-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-18-84 CCM
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� <br />Info Memo for 12_18-84 Council Meeting Page 3 ' <br />Some questions have surfaced regarding the pay scale and structure for <br />`this recording secretary" There are a lot of uncertainties as to the <br />best method for the City to receive these minutes and a lot will depend <br />, `n n the individual that is selected for recording secretary" I will be <br />/ ynegotiating the pay for this position with each individual in an effort <br />` to get the best quality work for the best price for the City` You <br />should be made aware that when Ilene Johnson substituted for the <br />recording secretary in 1963, she more often than not received in excess <br />of $100 per meeting. This cost included the time and expense for <br />travel, the time for attending meetings and the time and expense of the <br />equipment for her to transcribe these minutes. I feel that this is too <br />much to be paying for a recording secretary to take minutes" I do not <br />believe that a recording secretary should be receiving more per hour <br />than either Kathy or Mary receive, Both of these office workers will be <br />receiving $7"45/hr in 1985, I think that at a maximum we should he <br />offering is up to $6.50 for the recording secretary with payment of up <br />to a maximum of $80 per meeting" <br />Gome of the questions and cost factors that surround this position <br />on <br />include travel expense and time, where the individual will be working on <br />these Minutes, either at home or at City hall, and the speed and skill <br />of the individual in relationship to the pay they are requesting" For <br />example/ one individual may request $10/hr and if there are 10 pages of <br />minutes it may only take this individual six hours" Whereas, a less <br />qualified individual may request only $6"50/hr but to do a 10 page <br />minute summary may require her to do 15 hours of work" All of these <br />factors must be considered and after we hire an individual e should <br />Indicate that the wage for this position will he reviewed along with the <br />minute taking system after six months,, <br />'You cap rest assured that I will be attempting to get the best <br />individual at the best cost for the City" <br />The Council may want to consider an alternative to hiring a Planning <br />Commission secretary. This alternative would be to have the Parks and <br />Planning Commission and City Council minutes only include official <br />action, i"e" motions, and to keep a*record of what was actually said at <br />the meetings by retaining the tapes for five years" This would <br />�eliminate the need for a recording secretary and free up a great deal of <br />Mary's time for other work. <br />10" The Planning Commission has been working on an I-94 Plan off and or <br />for all of 1984. They have now reached a consensus as to the type of <br />controls that can be implemented to help insure compatible land use, <br />high quality development and encourage the more intensified development <br />to take place in Section 32" What is being proposed by the staff and <br />the Planning Commission is the creation of a new overlay district called <br />the Interstate Corridob Overlay District" <br />Briefly, this district will work the same as other overlay districts <br />that we have in the CitZ.such as the Shoreland District or the <br />Floodplain District, Any proposed development that would take place <br />along I-94 would have to request rezoning to a use that is currently in <br />$he code" The development must then meet all of the conditions that are <br />, currently in the code plus the conditions of the overlay district" The <br />\` Overlay district includes performance standards on the type of <br />development that can take place" This district puts conditions on the <br />type of building allowed, parking requirements, drainage requirements, <br />screening and especially the amount of sewage that is allowed to be <br />generated by the type of development. <br />
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