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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-18-84 PAGE 2 <br />The public meeting has been tentatively set for Tuesday, January 15, <br />1985 at the Lake Elmo Elementary School from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. <br />The County's Consultant will prepare a 1984 year-end summary on what <br />work has been done at the landfill site. The residents of the area <br />will be given an opportunity to understand the current Consent Order <br />By Response that the County has entered into with the State of <br />Minnesota. <br />Ayers stated that it is anticipated that the Counties will make a <br />decision before the end of January, 1985. After the public meeting, <br />and after Lake Elmo has heard input from the citizens, if the City <br />would like to take a position and express that position to the <br />respective Commissioner's and Board's, that would be appropriate. <br />5. Presentation by the Fire Chief, Fran Pott, on the proposed Fire <br />Department Bylaw changes. <br />The Council was uncertain as to what changes were actually made in the <br />bylaws as they did not have the previous bylaws available for <br />comparison. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - To table a recommendation on the proposed Fire <br />Department Bylaw changes until a better understanding of what these <br />changes consist of is provided for Council review. (Motion carried <br />5-0) <br />M/S/P Eder/Dunn - To instruct the City Administrator to write Bruce <br />Kuettner apologizing for the City's neglect in not taking action on <br />his resignation at the appropriate time, to acknowledge his service to <br />the Fire Department, and to formally accept his resignation from the <br />Fire Department. (Motion carried 4-1 <Fraser?) <br />Fraser stated that at the time the resignation was submitted, the <br />letter raised a number of questions, and some of the questions pertain <br />to the safety of the City with regard to the Fire Department. That <br />subject has never been publicly discussed. To accept the resignation <br />is to put something to rest that shouldn't be put to rest. It would <br />be better to defer accepting this resignation until these things have <br />been looked at. The letter of resignation seemed to indicate a <br />difference of opinion between the person who is resigning and the <br />present administration of the department. When someone has given very <br />good service for many years, and then choses to submit a resignation <br />for those sorts of reasons, the body that has the responsibility (the <br />City Council) needs to look at those reasons. Additionally, by <br />accepting that resignation the persons entitlement to the retirement <br />benefit would be eliminated. <br />Eder stated the Administrator could verify it, but does not think that <br />once a fire department member reaches ten years of service, they would <br />not lose their retirement benefits. Also, there was extensive <br />discussion between the City Administrator, Fire Chief, Mr. Kuettner <br />and others. All of the questions have not been resolved, but at least <br />there has been discussion of the issues and it is up to the new <br />Council to look forward as to what degree of emphasis should be put on <br />this. They also have the recommendation that they should restudy the <br />Fire Department procedures. <br />