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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1-8-85 PAGE 5 <br />D. Appointment of City Consultants <br />1. Appointment of City Engineer <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To appoint Larry Bohrer of TKDA as Lake Elmo's <br />City Engineer. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />2. Appointment of City Planner <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To appoint Rob Chelseth as Lake Elmo's City <br />Planner. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />3. Apointment of City Attorney <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - To table appointment of a City Attorney for 1985 <br />and advertise for this position, following the guidelines that will be <br />prepared by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council, <br />and to allow Ray Marshall of Lawson, Raleigh and Marshall to act as <br />City Attorney until a decision has been made. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />Morgan stated he would like to see a job description written for all <br />of our City Consultants. For the City Attorney, he would like to see <br />the job separated into two sections - one for the criminal cases and <br />one for the civil matters (development questions). He would like to <br />see the job divided and to advertise for both parts of the job. <br />Therefore, we have to define these parts specifically before we can go <br />out for bids. <br />Dunn presented a general guide which outlined the criminal aspect <br />versus the civil work of the City Attorney. This outline is as <br />follows: <br />Criminal Work: Traffic and all criminal prosecutions as required <br />by ordinance or state statute. <br />Bid based on researching past two years average. <br />Extra hourly for appeals is ok. <br />Bidder to specify individual from law firm who <br />will represent City of Lake Elmo. <br />Bid as a fixed rate per year <br />Not required to attend all Council meetings. <br />Civil Work: All other legal work as assigned by Administrator. <br />Hourly rate to include mileage, copying and mailing. <br />Bidder to specify individual from law firm who will <br />represent City of Lake Elmo. <br />Not required to attend all Countil meetings. <br />Morgan feels that the attorney that works for the City, and answers <br />questions on development matters concerning other legal opinions <br />concerning development in the City should not have any financial <br />interest in the City. This may be too restrictive, but has always <br />been a concern - the possible conflict of interest. Financial <br />interest in the City would be defined as having development property <br />