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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1-8-85 PAGE 6 <br />or business property that would benefit from development in the City <br />(excluding personal property); or that if the attorney does have a <br />financial interest within the City, it should be stated up -front. <br />The Administrator stated he has talked with a number of the <br />surrounding communities and, there does not appear to be any job <br />descriptions for the City Attorney position. The Administrator was <br />instructed to prepare a job description for the City Attorney, <br />separating the criminal work from the cival work and present this <br />to the City Council at its 1-22-85 meeting. <br />Sanday Nazarian, 5450 Highlands Trail North asked for specific reasons <br />why the present City Attorney was not being reappointed at this time% <br />Dunn feels there is a conflict of interest, and this was proven in the <br />Hutchinson case. <br />Morgan stated he would prefer not to discuss in public the proficiency <br />of our present attorney. He has no concerns about his ability to <br />serve the City, but has stated ever since being elected to the City <br />Council that there is a potential for a conflict of interest. We may <br />end up with the same City Attorney, but would like to open up for bids <br />to see what other opportunities are available. <br />E. Appointment of Council Committees <br />Morgan questioned the necessity of these committees (Capital <br />Improvement and Comparable Worth/Personnel). He suggested the Council <br />as a whole (which would mean a few extra hours a month) participate in �.- <br />these discussions and decisions. There was no objection from the <br />Council on this proposal. <br />F. Appointment of City Representatives to Community <br />Education Advisory Boards <br />The Administrator pointed out that the representative to School <br />District 622, Geri Swenson, has moved out of state, and the <br />representative to School District 834, Christine Moe, has a conflict <br />and would be unable to attend many of the meetings. Consensus of the <br />Council is to solicit volunteers for these two advisory boards thru <br />notice in the City Newsletter. <br />G. Appointments to City Commissions <br />1. Planning Commission <br />Howard Michels, Bob Dreher and Vicki Gifford have requested <br />reappointment to the Planning Commission. Vicki Gifford has also <br />asked for a six month leave of absence. <br />M/ Mazzara - To reappoint Bob Dreher and Howard Michels to the <br />Planning Commission. <br />Armstrong and Christ stated that according to our City Code, <br />reappointment of Dreher and Michels would be in violation of the code <br />(Section 204.012). <br />Mazzara withdrew his motion. <br />