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02-19-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-19-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2-19-85 PAGE 3 <br />C. Ice/water runoff from landfill spray irrigation system. <br />The Engineer stated that he made an inspection of the spray irrigation <br />system on February 13, 1985. He found, that the containment dike has <br />been and continues to be overtopped to the south and a cut has been <br />put through the dike on the east which allowed some water to flow east <br />at one time. No water is presently flowing east. <br />The Engineer's concern is that the water that is overtopping the dike <br />to the south is leaving the landfill property and creating a pond on <br />the Mervin Nippolt property. The cut in the east dike has allowed <br />some water to leave the containment area but it has not left the <br />landfill property nor has the water entered the City Park Pond system. <br />Another concern is that water which may still contain some chemicals <br />(the non-volatile chemicals) is now leaving the landfill property. <br />The VBWD conditioned the Counties' permit for the work by limiting the <br />discharge to 250 gallons per minute or the infiltration capacity of <br />the soil, whichever is less. Obviously, the winter time infiltration <br />capacity of the soil has been exceeded and the operation is in <br />violation of the VBWD permit. <br />Washington County and the MPCA are aware of the situation. The <br />Engineer discussed the situation with Mike Ayers who said he has met <br />with Mr. Nippolt. The Counties have agreed to reimburse Mr. Nippolt <br />for any crop damage in the spring. Other than crop damage, there <br />doesn't seem to be any other concern by the Counties, Mr. Nippolt, or <br />the MPCA. Mr. Ayers stated the Counties plan to reinforce the dikes <br />and create some new terracing next year to eliminate this problem for <br />next winter. Mr. Ayers feels that with little snow cover this year, <br />the containment area is frozen and not allowing the water to <br />percolate. Last winter they had no problem. <br />The Engineer recommended that the City ask the Counties to respond to <br />the City's concerns and provide information on alternatives. For <br />example, would shutting off the gradient control well cause the water <br />table to return to its natural slope and re -introduce chemicals into <br />residential wells? It could very well be that the temporary pond on <br />Mr. Nippolt's property is the lesser of the two evils. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Nippolt were present and expressed their conerns over the <br />potential damage to their farm land. If the water leaves the ponding <br />area, it will hit the flat land and drown out four or five acres. <br />Morgan stated he is concerned with the water leaving the landfill <br />area. If the Counties are willing to negotiate with Mr. and Mrs. <br />Nippolt and satisfy their concerns, he would agree that there is <br />nothing that can be done until spring. However, the dyke should be <br />reinforced and all precautions should be taken to prevent water from <br />leaving the landfill area. <br />The Engineer stated that the Counties feel that as long as the water <br />does not leave the landfill site - rather than being contained to the <br />prepared site for the irrigation, they are in compliance with their <br />agreement. <br />Dunn stated that after visiting the site, he feels that the hole in <br />the dyke was cut before the thaw. It is a clean cut, so it had to be <br />
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