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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-16-85 <br />PAGE 7 <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To instruct the Engineer to begin the work <br />necessary to apply for this variance. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />The Engineer also reported on the status of the request to add 36th <br />Street and Layton Avenue to the MSA system. This request was denied <br />by the District's State Aid Engineer due to the fact that there would <br />be three State Aid roads parallel and adjacent to one another. This <br />would be CSAH 17, Laverne Avenue, which is already a Municipal State <br />Aid street, and Layton Avenue. The Engineer then recommended that the <br />City's second choice, which is Kimbro Avenue and 43rd Street be <br />designated as MSA as soon as available mileage accumulates to the 0.87 <br />miles required. In the case that the variance request for Lower 33rd <br />Street is turned down, it was recommended that MSA designation be <br />removed from Lower 33rd Street and used elsewhere in the City. <br />D. Other <br />1. Landfill and Water Meeting <br />The Engineer reported that each Council Member should have received a <br />notice of the joint meeting between the Ramsey and Washington County <br />Boards and the City of Lake Elmo to be held April 22 at 1:30 p.m. in <br />the Washington County Human Services building to discuss the water <br />supply alternatives. The Administrator and the Engineer will be <br />attending on behalf of the City and it was suggested that as many <br />Council Members as possible be present to show support for these vital <br />issues. <br />The Engineer asked the City Council in the draft letter that was <br />mailed out individually to the Council Members outlining the six <br />points in which the City and the Counties still do not agree, if there <br />were any that the Council feels more strongly about than others. The <br />consensus of the Council was that each of the six points should be <br />insisted upon and not negotiable. <br />2. Letter from Harvey and Viola Brown <br />The Council acknowledged a letter from Harvey and Viola Brown, 4346 <br />Jackpine Trail N. which states "In view of the emergency high water <br />situation that exists in this area, we are requesting you to petition <br />the VBWD for immediate increased pumping of Lake Jane and temporary <br />sandbagging (or water flow control) from the weir on Lake Olson". <br />3. Request from Section 32 Property Owners <br />The Administrator reported that the Section 32 property owners are <br />going to be meeting to discuss the possibility of sewer extensions <br />into their area and they request the presence of the Administrator and <br />the Engineer. The City Council granted the property owners request <br />and the Mayor will attempt to attend that meeting also on behalf of <br />the City Council. <br />8. City Council Reports <br />A. Sunfish Lake petition to VBWD - preliminary fund estimate. <br />The Council briefly reviewed the letter from Dick Murray of VBWD dated <br />