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AGENDA MEMO FOR 5-7-85 CITY COUNCIL MEETING PAGE 2 <br />9. Attached for your information is an update from Mn/DOT regarding <br />the 1-94 construction plan and schedule. Many of the activities that <br />will be taking place in 1985 are in the Lake Elmo area - from the 694 <br />intersection to beyond County Road 15. <br />10. Attached for your information are the VBWD minutes from March 14, <br />1985. We typically get these minutes one month after the fact, but <br />they are still relevant to keep us informed as to VBWD activities in <br />and around Lake Elmo. Many of the issues discussed at this 3-14-85 <br />meeting relate directly to Lake Elmo. <br />11. According to the 4-30-85 Stillwater Gazette, it appears that the <br />Washington County Park Ordinance that was approved by the Washington <br />County Board of Commissioners deleted the unrestricted use of beer and <br />wine in the parks. At the last Council meeting, a letter from Mr. <br />Schaefer requested City Council input on this issue, and the Council <br />responded by authorizing a letter to be sent to the County indicating <br />our concern over this unrestricted use of liquor. The County <br />subsequently deleted that wording from the approved Ordinance and <br />liquor is prohibited in the Washington County Park System as well as <br />in the City of Lake Elmo parks. <br />12. Attached for your information is a brief thank you letter from <br />Maureen Farrell of the Lake Elmo Library. She expresses her <br />appreciation to the City Council for allowing the library to use the <br />council chambers. <br />13. Attached for your information is issue #2 of the Washington <br />County Waste Forum. Two of the topics discussed in this newsletter \_ <br />deal with composting and recycling. You should note that both of <br />these issues are on the 5-7-85 City Council agenda. <br />14. Wish to acknowledge that the City has proceeded to purchase a <br />small bucket for the backhoe. This bucket is more narrow than our <br />current bucket and is much harder. The benefit for the City obtaining <br />this bucket is that it has more versatility in digging in difficult <br />areas. We purchased this bucket immediately because of work that <br />needs to be done in the Castle Design area. This bucket will also be <br />a valuable tool for the City's maintenance crew in dealing with <br />watermain valves and in working during the winter months on watermain <br />breaks. The smaller bucket allows us to break through the frost in a <br />more efficient manner. The City proceeded to purchase this bucket <br />because we have saved some money in the authorized purchase of the <br />dump truck wing that will be used for snowplowing. In 1984, the <br />Council authorized the purchase of this wing along with a steam washer <br />and radios. The wing was estimated at $6000 but came in at just <br />slightly under $8500. This wing was ordered, but because of delays <br />was never installed and subsequently the dealer sold it to another <br />interested customer. Dan Olinger has located a different wing that is <br />much more compatible to our dump truck and has additional benefits in <br />pushing stockpiled snow back that the other wing did not have. I <br />understand that technically this is called a shelving height and the <br />new wing would have a shelving height of 54" compared to the 18" on <br />the wing that was proposed to be purchased last year. The price of <br />this new wing is under $7000. We have, therefore, decreased our <br />anticipated capital outlay by almost $1500, and felt that because of <br />this savings and the immediate need for the bucket, we could proceed <br />and purchase this from our capital outlay funds. This wing will be <br />