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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5-7-85 PAGE 3 <br />The Council reviewed the memo from the City Engineer dated April 5, <br />1985. Mr. Eder is proposing to subidvide an irregular shaped 3.3 <br />acare parcel into two lots consisting of 1.3 acres and 2.0 acres. The <br />2.0 acre lot would have a 50' wide road easement across the northerly <br />edge of it. This property does not have frontage on a public street. <br />Lot size variance would be required for the one lot under 1.5 acres <br />and road frontage variances would be'required for the two newly <br />created lots. The Planning Commission was split on this issue, <br />therefore, no majority recommendation was received. <br />Another factor in this subdivision is that Willard Eder's proposed <br />septic system replacement under the 201 program is located on the <br />westerly 50 feet of Lot 41. No suitable soil was found on Lot 42 and <br />since Willard owns Lot 41, suitable soil was found there. <br />The Council questioned Mr. Eder on whether or not he would. be willing <br />to forgo the simple lot subdivision and just be granted a variance for <br />road frontage and a building permit for a single family home. Mr. <br />Eder responded that he would prefer the lot split. <br />Carol Kuettner, speaking on behalf of those Commissioner's that voted <br />against this proposal stated by granting a simple lot subdivision it <br />would open up, to at least one other person, the same variances that <br />are being given to this lot. Also, at least two of the Commissioner's <br />that voted against this proposal would have given consideration to <br />granting the easement had the Eder been willing to take out a tree and <br />widen the driveway to make it more like a public street. <br />Nancy Prince stated that she was in favor of the proposal because of <br />the fact that there is already two houses there. The previous <br />applications that have been denied did not have the existing homes on <br />the site as in this situation. If the Council did approve the road <br />frontage variance so that he could build a house, it would be up•to <br />the applicant and the Engineer to work out the details for the private <br />road. <br />Scotty Lyall stated he favors this application and looks at it as a <br />special situation. He feels that the existing antique shop will <br />eventually go, and when this happens, there will be a natural way <br />through there for a public street. <br />There were no other residents present to speak in favor of or against <br />this proposal and the public hearing was closed at 8:35 p.m. <br />The Council asked Mr. Eder if it was possible that he purchase the <br />property owned by Mr. Schultz and combine it with his property. Mr. <br />Eder will check on this possibility. <br />The consensus of the Council was that the subdivision should not be <br />made, and therefore, create another two building sites onanarea <br />which does not have public road frontage. The uniqueness of the <br />situation is that there are two existing homes already serviced by <br />this private driveway. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To table this application until the May 21, <br />1985 meeting. (Motion carried 5=0) <br />