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05-07-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-07-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5-7-85 PAGE 5 <br />would like the City to select a site. The site that has been proposed <br />is the parking lot of the VFW. The VFW has indicated they would be in <br />agreement but would like to hear officially from the City that it <br />would like that as the recycling site. The items recycled would be <br />tin cans, aluminum cans, glass, paper, cardboard and oil. <br />Bellaire would have the site open from 8:00 a.m. until noon, one <br />Saturday a month. They will be responsible for all cleanup of the <br />site, which will be in the contract. <br />Prince asked the Council to send a letter to the County Health <br />Department saying that the City supports the proposal that Bellaire <br />Sanitation has given them, and to write a letter to the VFW requesting <br />their parking lot for the site. <br />Zack Hansen responded by stating that there were five different <br />parties represented at the preproposal conference. There is not just <br />one bidder for the Lake Elmo area. The proposals initially received <br />may not be the ones that are finally developed into contracts. Once <br />negotiations are over, the staff will make a recommendation to the <br />Board which potential contractor to select or to not select any. It <br />may mean that none of the proposals meet the County and City's needs <br />in terms of recycling and it may mean that the grant money is put into <br />the communities in a different manner. <br />It was the consensus of the Council to indicate to the County that the <br />City supports this program and that the City is anxious to hear their <br />recommendations. If the VFW site is what we want, this too can be <br />indicated in the letter to the County. <br />10. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Review 4-29-85 Washington and Ramsey County Board meeting <br />when the Lake Elmo safe drinking water/landfill issue <br />was discussed. <br />The Engineer referred to his correspondence dated May l in which he <br />attempted to further condense the six issues over .which the City and <br />the Counties still disagree. The Council did not give any further <br />direction to the Engineer but authorized him to proceed as outlined in <br />his letter. It was noted that the issue of liability needs to be <br />cleared up by the County as far as what type of liability they would <br />like release from. This would then somewhat determine what the City's <br />response would be to that issue. <br />B. Step 3 Engineering Agreement <br />The Engineer distributed copies of the proposed Step 3 Engineering <br />Agreement at the last Council meeting and was given permission to <br />forward it to the MPCA for its review. The Engineer asked at this <br />time if there were any comments on the agreement. The Administrator <br />reported that he had reviewed the document for form and content and <br />that it is a similar type of agreement alaready approved for Steps 1. <br />and 2. The City Council had no further comments on the proposed <br />agreement. <br />
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