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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5-7-85 <br />PAGE 6 <br />C. 1985 MSA Street Improvement project: Resolution requesting <br />State approval for a right-of-way variance. <br />At the last City Council meeting, the Engineer was authorized to <br />proceed with requesting a variance from State Aid right-of-way <br />requirements for Lower 33rd Street. A resolution requesting this <br />variance is required. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to adopt Resolution 85-21 requesting a variance <br />from the State MSA right-of-way requirements for Lower 33rd Street. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />D. Final Plat for Teal Pass Estates - 3rd Addition <br />The Engineer reported that the final plat is in conformance with the <br />preliminary plat, no variances or other deviations are required. It <br />was also noted that the planning commission had recommended approval <br />of this final plat. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Christ - To adopt Resolution 85-22 approving the final <br />plat for Teal Pass.3rd Addition and authorizing the Mayor and <br />Administrator to sign the plat as soon as acceptable plans, <br />specifications, developers agreement and security are deposited with <br />the City. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />E. Surface Water Update <br />The Engineer stated that the local bodies of water have been monitored <br />and Eagle Point Lake is still overflowing, so we still cannot release <br />Beutel Pond water. However, Beutel Pond has receded on its own. 32nd <br />Street Pond is basically not changed. Legion Pond seems to be holding <br />its own. <br />Dick Murray provided the Council with a current list of lake levels. <br />There is a significant larger amount of water in the upstream areas of <br />Lake Jane than there was a month ago. The new pump is now working, <br />and it is anticipated that it will pump twice the amount of water that <br />the old electric pump did. •With the new pump operating, it has only <br />stabilized Lake Jane - it is now at the highest level that anyone <br />knows of - 926. The amount of water in Long Lake is diminishing quite <br />rapidly. The level of Olson and DeMontreville is coming down very <br />slowly, which will reduce the flow into Jane. <br />Regarding the 509 Plan, five communities have commented that some <br />other type of funds other than 100% ad valorem tax should be used to <br />finance this project. A combination of special assessments and <br />taxation is preferred. by these five communities. Four communities did <br />not comment and only Lake Elmo and Oakdale supported the 100% ad <br />valorem tax. The plan has been condensed from the three phases as <br />proposed to one single phase. Also the VBWD is exploring possible <br />installaion of a pipe from the rest area storage basin to the St. <br />Croix River because of Baraton Contracting's reluctance to negotiate <br />for the purchase of their pit. <br />Tom Armstrong, Lake Elmo's representative to the Cottage Grove Ravine <br />Watershed stated that the problem adds up to the number of votes on <br />the County Commission. Sally Evert has a lot of pressure on her from <br />