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05-07-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-07-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5-7-85 PAGE 7 <br />Baytown. Baytown does not have any water that flows into this, and <br />Baytown has been told it couldn't even initiate a petition. Baytown <br />has been told on one hand that they don't have enough water to <br />initiate petition, and Sally Evert has made her mind up that she will <br />not accept an ad valorem on the entire bases. She wants a mix. Tom <br />has met with Russ Kirby and tried to come up with some formula that <br />might be acceptable. His concern is that with assessments like those <br />proposed (from $175 to $225 per acre), farming in central Washington <br />County will be eliminated. <br />VBWD's agreement with the City of Lake Elmo regarding the pumping of <br />Lake Jane says that water can be pumped to City Park Pond to elevation <br />908. Last year VBWD got permission from the City to pump to elevation <br />912, and it was actually pumped. to 911. Mr. Murray asked the <br />Council's permission to again pump to elevation 912. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To allow the Valley Branch Watershed District <br />to pump into City Park Pond to elevation 912. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />F. Other <br />11. City Council Reports <br />A. Cottage Grove Ravine Watershed - Tom Armstrong <br />Armstrong stated that this group had its first meeting on May 6, 1985. <br />Officers were elected as follows: Chairman, Lloyd Sheel, Vice <br />Chairman, Tom Armstrong, Secretary, Dick Hannico, Treasurer, Jack <br />Weed. <br />Under the Joint Powers Agreement that was signed, each of the cities <br />agreed to contribute $300 a year toward the administrative costs. The <br />s. money is going to go to the City of Afton, who will handle it as their <br />regular money (as an extra account that will be in the name of this <br />watershed) and asked the Council to approve this expenditure. Also, <br />insurance coverage was discussed although Armstrong has reservations <br />as to whether or not it is needed. <br />There was further discussion at this meeting on boundaries. There are <br />some boundary problems as to which area in Lake Elmo is in which <br />watershed. Armstrong suggested that the city office check into this <br />to determine the division so a taxing district can be put together <br />that just includes the land in Lake Elmo that is in the watershed. <br />The Cottage Grove Ravine Watershed District will be meeting the third <br />Thursday of ever month at 7:30 p.m. at the Woodbury city hall. <br />Armstrong further pointed out that there are three communities that do <br />not think the way Lake Elmo does relating to holding their own water. <br />Oakdale has 160 acres that they want to develop and they are not <br />interested in holding the volume of their water - only the rate. <br />There is a separate taxing district that will be set up within the <br />community. This Joint Powers Agreement is not a taxing entity. What <br />would happen is if there were any costs, the first $300 would be <br />contributed by each member community. After that, 50% of the costs <br />are based on the assessed valuation within the Watershed, and 50% of <br />
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