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05-07-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-07-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5-7-85 PAGE 8 <br />the costs are based on the acreage within the Watershed. So, we will <br />have to come up with this taxing district just to get the County's <br />computer to tell us what the assessed valuation of that district is. <br />If the City has to expend any funds, the City would be on its own to <br />determine whether to put it on the mil rate in:that taxing district <br />alone, or whether to assess it on some other formula in that taxing <br />district. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to appropriate $300 as Lake Elmo's share of <br />the Cottage Grove Ravine Watershed District administrative fund. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />The Mayor instructed the Engineer to determine what parts of Lake Elmo <br />is in that Watershed District. <br />12. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Parks Commission 1985 Work Plan <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Mazzara - To approve the Parks Commission 1985 Work <br />Plan as presented. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />The Administrator advised the Council that the Parks Commission is not <br />planning to construct a tennis court in. 1985. The Commission wants to <br />evaluate when and if this tennis court would be needed. <br />B. Nippolt letter offering to sell the City park land. <br />The Council acknowledged receipt of a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Mervin <br />Nippolt in which they offer to sell the City some land near the old <br />landfill and near Sunfish Park. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To decline the offer from Mr. and Mrs. Nippolt <br />to sell the City land adjacent to Sunfish Park, and to instruct the <br />City Administrator to write the Nippolt's thanking them for the offer. <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />C. Planning Commission's request for traffic control on <br />Highway 5 around CSAH 17 and the school. <br />The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt a. <br />resolution requesting the State to place some type of traffic control <br />feature around these two troublesome spots in the City. The major <br />concern is for the children crossing Highway 5 to go to and from <br />school, but also with the traffic going north on CSAH 17 trying to <br />turn west onto Highway 5. <br />It was the consensus of ,the Council to get some input from the State. <br />Ask for a representative to come before the Council to explain the <br />criteria for flashing lights versus stop signs versus traffic lights, <br />etc. <br />Gary Swanson, Washington County Deputy stated he too would like to be <br />involved in this discussion as he has some concerns with this area. <br />His biggest concern is at the corner of Highway 5 and CSAH 17 (by the <br />Union 76 Station). During rush hour it is almost impossible to get <br />out onto the Highway, and feels there might be justification for a <br />semaphore. <br />
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