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LAKE <br />ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JUNE 4, <br />1985 Page 2 <br />4. <br />Public <br />Inquiries <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public inquiry was opened at <br />7:12 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />Mr. Steve Grabski appeared before the City Council as a public <br />inquiry regarding the possibility of a simple lot division and a <br />lot size variance to remedy the illegal subdivision of his <br />property in Lane's DeMontreville Country Club approximately one <br />year ago. The City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, distributed maps of <br />the lots prior to July 1984 and then the lots as sold after July <br />1984. The reason it became known to him was because the Steve <br />Grabski lot was part of the 201 program and was planning on <br />putting the septic system on lot 610-612. Now that 610 and 611 is <br />sold off, that was ruled out. According to the City code, this <br />dividing of an already substandard building site is not allowed. <br />The City Council instructed Larry to meet with Mr. Grabski and see <br />what could be worked out. <br />Mr. Grabski tried to purchase back lot 610 and 611, but found the <br />price had tripled. Also lot 610 and 611 cannot be purchased back <br />under the 201 program because they will not participate in the <br />land acquisition that only benefits one individual. They are now <br />investigating a possibility of a holding tank on the Marchio <br />property as a last resort. Mr. Grabski would like to combine lots <br />519-523 and lots 616-620 to make a possible building site. This <br />would consist of 0.459 acres. A simple lot division would clean <br />up the situation, and it would take a lot size variance. The code <br />requires 0.9 acres and the average lot size in Lake DeMontreville <br />is 0.579 acres which the Council has used as a guide in the past. <br />According to Larry, the lot size variance would not determine the <br />buildability of a lot, but the septic system, pore tests and <br />design would determine the buildability. Mr.. Grabski realizes <br />that he will have to submit his proposed simple lot division and <br />lot size variance request through the Planning Commission as <br />required by the City Code. He appeared before the City Council to <br />get their feelings on the possibility of this subdivision. The <br />Mayor stated that he personally was not receptive to this <br />subdivision because the lot size being so small that they would <br />not even equal the average of the area. <br />Bruce Dunn asked what happened a year ago when they were going to <br />undo this sale. The answer being that Larry and Pat had met with <br />the City Attorney, and he suggested they meet wth Mr. Grabski to <br />find out the facts and to find some way to work it out rather than <br />go to court and rescind these sales. Now there is an innocent <br />third party, Marchio, who has purchased the property and put <br />substantial improvements that has to be considered. The consensus <br />of the Council is that the illegal subdivision should be a matter <br />of civil action between Mr. Grabski and the new owner, Mr. <br />Marchio. <br />