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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 4, 1985 Page 3 <br />5. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Landfill Water System Update <br />The Engineer reported that he had transmitted all of his <br />preliminary design data to the Ramsey and Washington County staffs <br />and their engineer, Hickok and Associates, on May 24, 1985. The <br />Engineer suggested a meeting of all parties for May 31, 1985. The <br />earliest date acceptable to the Counties is June 13, 1985; <br />therefore, the Engineer will not be able to report back to the <br />City Council until the first meeting in July. <br />B. Shoreland Permit for Lot 4, Block 2 of Teal Pass Estates <br />3rd Addition <br />The City Engineer, Larry Bohrer recommends approval of the <br />shoreland permit contingent upon the applicant meeting the <br />conditions of the DNR. <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to approve a shoreland permit for Lot 4, <br />Block 2, Teal Pass 3rd Addition. Contingent upon the applicant <br />meeting the conditions of the DNR and that the shoreland permit <br />will not be issued until the final plat has been recorded and <br />signed for Teal Pass 3rd Addition and a developer's agreement <br />entered into between the applicant and the city. <br />C. Public Hearing for zoning code side yard setback variance <br />application for construction of garage at 8033-50th Street <br />by Donald Harnish. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at <br />7:31 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />Mr. Donald Harnish proposes to remove the existing single car <br />garage and construct in its place a double car garage at 8033 50th <br />Street North. The existing garage is estimated to be two to three <br />feet from the west property line, and Mr. Harnish is requesting a <br />sideyard setback variance for this same distance. The code <br />requires a sideyard setback of ten feet. The City Council <br />reviewed the hardship of the small lot size and the difficulty of <br />locating the garage closer to the house to improve the situaton. <br />Therefore, the Council will grant a sideyard setback variance from <br />ten feet to the west line of the existing garage, but not less <br />than three feet from the property line. Mr. Harnish is also to <br />establish the west property line to the satisfaction of the <br />Building Inspector. <br />In another matter, Mr. Harnish requested the Council's feelings of <br />a second accessory structure. In that he would like to move the <br />single car garage onto an existing concrete slab on the lakeside <br />of his property. Mr. Harnish's neighbor, Lois Witzmann, signed the <br />6/4/85 agenda giving her approval. Mayor Morgan would be inclined <br />to let him build a garage and keep the same setbacks and was not <br />in favor of moving the old garage onto the concrete slab. Mazzara <br />and Dunn would be in favor of letting him build a new garage as <br />