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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1985 PAGE 3 <br />proposed changes have to include reasonable standard proof that a <br />( variance would not adversely affect among other things the safety and <br />health of surrounding properties. Especially when dealing with a <br />sewage situation the first thing to be considered is the health <br />factor, but it's the landowners seeking the variance that has thefull <br />burden before the council. (I/ <br />6. Public Hearing - I-94 Overlay and Comp. Plan Amendment. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:45 <br />p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />Rob Chelseth referred to his memo dated January 21, 1985 to the <br />Planning Commission and City Council. There will be two districts. An <br />interim district along I-94 (eastern Section 33 east to County Road <br />15) and this district would permit interim uses, those are uses not <br />served by public sewer and water that demand negligible increases in <br />public services, and a "long term" area that would permit more <br />intensive uses consisted in the comprehensive pl�n. It's an overlay <br />district and is a means of monitoring the types of uses that go in <br />there and grant them conditional use permits. Each of the two <br />districts has approximately twelve standards that would be applied by <br />the City Council when they are considering a conditional use permit. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Armstrong - To adopt Ordinance <br />Elmo City Ordinance, The Comprehensive Plan <br />include an "Overlay District" as outlined in <br />of 1-21-85. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />7. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Landfill Water System Update <br />7971 amending the Lake <br />and the Zoning Map to <br />the City Planner's memo <br />There was some concern over the lack of progress on resolving the <br />public water supply issues around the old landfill. The City Engineer <br />has written a letter to provide the sequence of events from the joint <br />meeting of the County Boards up to the present and to provide all past <br />correspondence on the matter. The two remaining issues to be resolved <br />are Operation and Maintenance Costs and System Design. <br />One thing to note is that the tests of the wells have been getting <br />better. Formally, there were four residential wells that exceeded <br />health criteria for drinking water and that has been reduced to only <br />one that is in the health risk criteria. The purpose of the water <br />supply is two -fold, first, to provide safe water for all needs and, <br />secondly, to restore the property values. The advisory committee <br />determined that only a public water supply would do both. <br />Mayor Morgan would like to invite the County Commissioners and any <br />interested parties in for the next meeting, and Larry Bohrer will make <br />sure they have all the appropriate correspondence. <br />B. Public Hearing for variances requested by Ed Ryan at <br />4384 Kimbro Avenue North. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing opened at 8:46 p.m. <br />in the City Council Chambers. <br />