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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1985 PAGE 4 <br />l Mr. Ryan has a purchasers agreement with Mr. Whitman to sell him 2.54 <br />acres. This would meet the 10 acre requirement Mr. Ryan needs to <br />raise horses. The problem comes in with the City not having a <br />mechanism to divide off 2.5 acres and add it to this property. There <br />is no provision for a minor subdivision. A large lot subdivision is <br />where the applicant proposes to subdivide a described tract of land <br />into lots or parcels of five acres or more each with 300 feet or more <br />of road frontage. <br />It should be noted that to conform to the city code, Mr. Whitman is <br />required to have 300 feet of road frontage. Although he does not have <br />this now, if the parcel that he sells to Mr. Ryan includes any of the <br />road frontage, Mr. Whitman will be less conforming than he is now. <br />Dunn asked Mr. Ryan if he wanted 7.5 acres or 10 acres. Mr. Ryan <br />answered that the 2.5 acres would cost him $11,000. If he had to and <br />it could be done easily without paying the platting expense because he <br />is purchasing the other property. <br />Since the existing house is set quite a ways back, Mr. Ryan would like <br />to put the barn between the road and house which would need a variance <br />and also the size. In a residential zone, the size of an accessory <br />structure is 1,000 square feet, but Mr. Ryan would like a 2,000 square <br />foot accessory structure. <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - To grant variances to Ed ryan on the porperty <br />legally described as Lot D of RLS 54 to allow up to three horses on <br />7.5 acres of land; to allow the accessory structure to be placed in <br />front of the primary structure, and to allow the accessory structure <br />to not exceed. 2000 square feet. (Motion carried 4-1 <Mazzara>) <br />C. Hecla Inc. - Site Plan presentation. <br />Del Sands, Hecla, made the site plan presentation. All the plans have <br />been approved by the State of Minnesota in terms of the types of <br />licenses they need to operate the facility. <br />The City Engineer pointed out, regarding the number of parking spaces <br />planned for this home, that under the General Business Zone one <br />parking space is required for each 200 square feet of gross floor <br />area. This proposed building has 3,000 square feet of area. The <br />question is does that mean that fifteen spaces should be provided now <br />or would it be sufficient that there is room available to construct <br />fifteen. It was clarified that it is more important that the parking <br />space be available. <br />The City Engineer further reported that the septic system is adequate, <br />there is room for an alternate drainfield, setbacks are met, and <br />public water is available. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to approve the site plan for the boarding care <br />home. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Shoreland Permit - Citadel Homes/Roger Colombo at <br />Lot 9, Block 1 Eden Park 2nd Addition. <br />