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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1985 PAGE 5 <br />The City Engineer referred to his memo of June 27, 1985 in which he <br />( states that Citadel Homes proposes to construct a single family home <br />on the above lot. Since this area is within 1,000 feet of Down's <br />Lake, Shoreland Regulations apply. <br />He further stated that lots within Eden Park 2nd Addition require some <br />background information regarding application of the Shoreland <br />Ordinance. At the time the plat was approved, the flood elevation was <br />set sat 891, assuming the VBWD would follow its overall plan to divert <br />water from Down's Lake to Lake Elmo. Since it is likely this will not <br />occur the flood level was raised to 894 in the Shoreland Ordinance. <br />This difference greatly affects buildability of lots within Eden park <br />2nd Addition. <br />If this application would be approved, variances for lot size, <br />structure setback from the water, and basement elevation would be <br />required. Variances for lot size, building elevation and building <br />setback are reasonable and consisstent with past Council action with <br />other lots in Eden Park 2nd Addition. The Engineer feels tat it would <br />be appropriate to grant these variances since the applicant has chosen <br />the best site for the house and septic system available on the lot. <br />The approval should be conditioned on the recommended septic system <br />design. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - To grant a shoreland permit to Roger <br />Colombo/Citadel Homes on Lot 9, Block 1 Eden park 2nd Addition for the <br />construction of a home contingent upon the applicant complying with <br />the recommendations of the City Engineer in his memo of June 27, 1985. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Shoreland Permit - Daniel Lindstrom, 7959 Hill <br />Trail North <br />Mr. Lindstrom proposes to remove an existing garage and construct a. <br />new attached tuck under garage with living room above. Since this lot <br />is within 1,000 feet of Lake Olson, shoreland regulations apply. <br />No variances are required for this work. This lot is included in the <br />201 Septic System Progra, but since no bedrooms are being added, no <br />changes to the septic system design are required. The City Engineer <br />recommended that the Shoreland Permit be granted. <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to grant a shoreland permit to Daniel <br />Lindstrom, 7959 Hill Trail North. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />F. Variance Requests - Bill Eder (continued) <br />The original proposal came up in April which was a request for a <br />simple lot subdivision to create two lots and since one was going to <br />be less than a acre and a half a lot size variance would have been <br />required. Mr. Bill Eder now owns the Shultz property which had <br />divided the property owned by Willard Eder and now the lot size <br />variance is no longer required. The road frontage variances and some <br />kind of private road agreement are still required. <br />The City Engineer pointed out now that the subdivision is allowed with <br />these variances, and he assumes that Mr. Eder will be going through <br />