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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1985 PAGE 6 <br />the subdivision process a survey is required showing the division of <br />the two lots. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to grant a road frontage variance to Bill Eder <br />with the stipulation that the City of Lake Elmo will not be liable for <br />the access of emergency vehicles nor for the maintenance of the road. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />G. Tartan Meadows - Phase II <br />The plat for Tartan Meadows was allowed to be signed and recorded <br />without the developer furnishing his developers bond. This was not <br />discovered until some time later. The only leverage the city had is <br />to deny the building permits until he complies with the terms of the <br />developer's agreement. There are three things that are left to do; <br />filling and grading the boulevards, constructing a temporary <br />turnaround and the turf establishment. <br />It is the City Engineer's opinion that the temporary cul-de-sac and <br />turf restoration can wait until fall to be completed. However, the <br />curbs should be backfilled and the boulevards brought up to grade to <br />protect, the curbs during home building activities. Bohrer has <br />suggeested that building permits can be issued for Tartan Meadows <br />after all of the following conditions are met: <br />1. Filling, leveling and placing topsoil on the boulevard should <br />be completed now. <br />2. The developer, Mr. Morton, should furnish a cash escrow, <br />letter of credit or performance bond for the completion of the <br />cul-de-sac and turf restortation in the amount of $3,100. <br />3. Payment of the outstanding snowplowing bill to the private <br />contractor. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to allow building permits to be issued in <br />Tartan Meadows Phase I contingent upon these three conditions outlined <br />by the City Engineer. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />H. Surface Water Update. <br />City Engineer, Bohrer, referred to his letter dated June 26, 1985 <br />regarding the status report on various surface water problems. He <br />said sandbags are still in place on the Lake Olson Weir, since the DNR <br />denied the Valley Branch Watershed District (VBWD) Board of Managers' <br />request for installation of a vandal -proof steel ring on the weir. <br />The second week in June, Beutel Pond, threatening at least one Jamaca <br />Court home, was drained until Eagle Point Lake began to overflow. <br />Installation of a temporary culvert connecting the 32nd Street Pond to <br />Reid Park Pond lowered the 32nd Street Pond by about eight inches <br />providing accessibility to the fire hydrant and the Rupperts' <br />driveway. <br />One Lake Jane Trail and two Jane Road residents have received fill to <br />protect their homes from flooding. <br />