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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 17, 1985 Page 2 <br />B. Public Hearing for variance for lot size and final <br />plat approval for Clapp/Thommsen (Lake Elmo Heights) <br />in Section 21 south of CSAH 6. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was called to <br />order at 7:35 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that since the report of the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District approving this plat has not been <br />received, only the lot size variance should be considered at this <br />time. The applicants are requesting a variance from the maximum <br />lot size allowed in a cluster development in the RR zone for three <br />lots. Currently the City Standards require a maximum lot size of <br />two acres. Lots 1, 4 and 5 exceed the two acre maximum lot size. <br />The applicant has stated that, due to the presence of wet soils, <br />it was necessary to increase the lot size to obtain sufficient <br />suitable soils for building site and drainfield construction. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to grant the lot size variances for lots 1, 4 <br />and 5 due to the hardship of the wet soils that are present. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Final Plat for Midland Meadows on 10th Street North. <br />Approximately 1/4 mile west of Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />Bohrer has reviewed the final plat and finds that it comforms to <br />the approved preliminary plat and to comments received from <br />Washington County Public Works and Valley Branch Watershed <br />District. Since there will be no Developer's Agreement for this <br />subdivision, Bohrer recommends the final plat be approved but that <br />the City not sign the documents until the following items are <br />completed: <br />1. Common driveways be constructed on the County rights -of -way. <br />2. Fill be placed on Lot 7 as indicated on the Drainage Plan. <br />3. 15" diameter equalizer culverts be placed wherever a <br />driveway bisects a drainage easement. This occurs on <br />Lots 3, 10 and 11. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to adopt Resolution 85-33 approving the <br />final plat for Midland Meadows on loth St. North contingent upon <br />the developer completing the three conditions listed by Larry <br />Bohrer in his letter dated September 17, 1985 and contingent upon <br />the developer paying park donation fees of $250 per lot. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />D. Rezoning from RR to R1 in Section 24 off of Legion <br />Avenue. Applicant: Gene Peltier. <br />Mr. Peltier proposes to rezone approximately-q-acres of land (see pg. 6) <br />located west of Eden Park Addition. The proposed rezoning to R-1 <br />would be consistent- with the Comprehensive Plan. Even though land <br />use is the only item to be considered, the applicant has furnished <br />