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09-17-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-17-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 17, 1985 Page 3 <br />a concept plan and the Engineer has commented on the plan, the <br />soils, and the street layout for the applicant's information. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to recommend tabling this rezoning application <br />for two weeks to allow a longer time for consideration. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />E. 201 Update <br />City Engineer Bohrer just received the latest review letter from <br />the Minnnesota Pollution Control Agency on the on -site septic <br />system plans and specifications. The review letter does not allow <br />the City to advertise for bids yet, as was hoped. It does ask for <br />additional comments and changes to be made in the plans and <br />specifications. The Engineer read through the random comments. <br />The impact of this delay is that there is virtually no chance to <br />get these systems under construction yet this Fall and will have <br />to wait until next Spring to begin construction. <br />The Engineer stated that his primary concern was for four houses <br />that are on satellite toilets. It will be an extreme hardship if <br />these people have to use an "outhouse" throughout the winter. The <br />Engineer stated that he will contact the MPCA to see if there are <br />any provisions under the grant program, that at least the new <br />septic tanks could be installed. In that way the tanks can be <br />used as holding tanks and the people could use their indoor <br />plumbing through the winter. The City Council instructed the City <br />Engineer to proceed in that manner and they will provide whatever <br />assistance is necessary. <br />F. Speed Zone Study <br />The Council requested the Department of Transportation to perform <br />speed zone studies on 20th St. by Tartan Park, 45th Julep and <br />47th, and Keats Avenue between Hwy. 36 and 47th and have received <br />the following results. Mn/Dot is recommending 45 mph on 20th St., <br />40 mph on 45th Julep and 47th, and 50 mph on Keats Avenue. Bohrer <br />recommends that Mn/DOT take a look to see if these streets are <br />deficient in anything else. Other warning signs could be put up <br />such as a reflectorize barricade at the east end of 20th, and one <br />safety feature on Keats Avenue at 47th St. is to extend a driveway <br />culvert to eliminate a ditch so if someone left the road they <br />would not go head on into an earth embankment. <br />M/S/P Christ/Armstrong - to instruct the City staff to erect the <br />speed zone signs that were recommended by Mn/DOT to Bohrer in his <br />letter dated August 28, 1985. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />5. City Council Reports <br />A. Newsletter <br />Armstrong had looked into the newsletter and found that 12 <br />different communities have done their newsletter "in-house". <br />Armstrong and Dunn would like to give an in-house newsletter a <br />
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