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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 17, 1985 Page 4 <br />try. Christ would like to see the newsletter done in-house and <br />doesn't feel that it takes 40 hours every two weeks to produce it. <br />Morgan feels it is a small expenditure and believes we have a good <br />staff and they should spend their time running the City <br />government. Mazzara would like the staff to keep track of the <br />time it takes to produce the newsletter. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to propose producing the newsletter <br />"in-house" starting with this Council meeting. (Motion carried <br />3-2<Morgan, Mazzara>). <br />B. Legion Pond <br />Mayor Morgan proposed two items that could be done regarding the <br />high water situation in Legion Pond. <br />a. Shafer Contracting could be contacted regarding availability <br />of any fill material with which to fill the City drainage <br />easement. The Engineer had previously estimated about <br />300 CY would be necessary to fill the easement to a level <br />with the fill that had been placed on either side by the <br />residents. <br />b. The City could petition the Watershed District to do an <br />engineering study on Legion Pond, but the study would consist <br />of a pilot test pumping program to remove 40 acre/feet. The <br />City would pledge to hold back an equivalent amount of water <br />on Eagle Point Lake during the spring runoff period. No <br />preliminary fund would be needed because the engineering had <br />been done by the City in 1980. <br />Mayor Morgan expressed that the "try and see" approach would cost <br />less than a traditional engineering study and perhaps be able to <br />accomplish something. <br />Mayor Morgan or a Councilperson will attend the September 19, 1985 <br />VBWD meeting and request, on behalf of the City, that the VBWD <br />conduct an engineering study consisting of a test pumping program <br />to remove 40 acre/feet of water from Legion Pond and transfer it <br />to Lake Elmo. The City will, in turn, hold back an equivalent <br />volume of water next spring on Eagle Point Lake through the <br />manipulation of its earthen dam. <br />6. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Section 32 Petition <br />A petition was reviewed for public improvement in Section 32 and <br />the south 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 33 for the <br />improvement by sanitary sewers, watermain, water supply and <br />storage facilities, and storm sewers and drainage facilities. <br />Acting Administrator Banister has checked the petition and found <br />that it represents approximately 80-85% of the benefitted area. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong asked for a determination of the amount of <br />