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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 2 <br />All parcels can meet the 10 acre lot size except Parcel A, which <br />is to be attached to the Krueger parcel. The County requests a 60 <br />foot right-of-way width for CSAH 17 and this has been shown on the <br />survey. <br />Neil Krueger, 4452 Lake Elmo Avenue, spoke up and explained they <br />will be refinancing so that their 24 acres and Parcel A will read <br />as one legal description, and they have no plans for any <br />subdivisions. <br />---The City -Engineer --stated he had -been -contacted -by -telephone -by a - -- - <br />Mr. Boilan, property owner to the west of Lots E, F, and G, <br />regarding the accuracy of the lot corners that have been placed in <br />the ground for this subdivision. Mrs. Boilan appeared before the <br />City Council to state that the Larson's survey does not agree with <br />the existing fence lines and the way that the property has been <br />farmed over the years. <br />The City Council discussed the merits of providing a road easement <br />between lots D and E at this time, for future 45th Street should <br />it ever need to be constructed. The City Council felt it would be <br />a good idea to plan ahead, realizing that there is a chance this <br />road easement would never be used. Regarding the Boilan's <br />concerns, the City Attorney advised the Council that this is a <br />dispute between the property owners and does not involve the City <br />in granting this subdivision. <br />The consensus of the City Council was to approve the large lot <br />subdivision and waive the requirements for contour mapping to be <br />provided, with the following conditions. <br />1. An 80 foot permanent road easement be provided, 40 feet on <br />either side of the common lot line between Lots D and E . <br />2. The driveway access for lots G and H be provided from <br />50th St., not CSAH 17. <br />3. The permanent road easement for existing 50th St. be <br />provided as determined by the Engineer. <br />4. The survey show the existing wetlands and marshes, in <br />accordance with the City Code. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to adopt Resolution 85-36 granting a large lot <br />subdivision to Linda Larson waiving; 2 foot contours, contingent uvon <br />the above J our :conditions being met. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Shoreland Permits: Lots 3 and 6, Block 2 <br />Teal Pass Estates 3rd Addition. <br />Applicant: Ken and Sherrill Neudahl <br />Shoreland Permits are being requested for Lot 6 and for Lot 3 and <br />these lots meet the 1-1/2 acre minimum lot size. There is no <br />actual shoreland on Lake Jane, but since it is within 1,000 feet <br />of Lake Jane, shoreland regulations apply. They have submitted <br />