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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1985 PAGE 2 <br />B. Shoreland Permit Application at 8180 Hill Trail N. <br />Applicants: Patty Cole and Stephen Butzer. <br />Applicants Patty Cole and Stephen Butzer propose to construct a <br />garage addition onto an existing attached garage. Since this <br />property abuts Lake DeMontreville, Shoreland Regulations apply. <br />The garage is proposed to be extended from the existing garage <br />toward the street. <br />The City Engineer referred to his correspondence dated October 10, <br />1985 in which he stated that the only concern was the <br />determination of the front yard setback. It was unclear from the <br />sketch provided if the southwest corner of the garage is to be 34 <br />feet from the right-of-way or from the existing street. Thirty <br />feet is required from the right-of-way. Butzer advised the <br />Council that this garage would still be the longest distance from <br />the road. The consensus of the City Council, based on the <br />information available, determined no variance is required and <br />approved the Shoreland Permit. <br />M/S/P Christ/Mazzara - to grant a shoreland permit to Patty Cole <br />and Stephen Butzer at 8180 Hill Trail N. for the construction of a <br />garage. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Speed Zone Study: Keats Ave. and 20th St. N. <br />On October 9, 1985, a drive -over inspection of Keats Avenue and <br />20th Street was made by City Engineer Bohrer, City Administrator <br />Overby and with Bruce Hall, Assistant District Traffic Engineer, <br />to discuss the City's concern for speed limits and other safety <br />features. The following observations were made: <br />1. Keats Avenue <br />a. MnDOT will consider revising their speed zoning from <br />50 mph to 45 mph mph. They will not consider 40 mph. <br />b. "Stop Ahead" sign at TH 36 should be moved back to at <br />least 500 feet (10 x speed) from stop sign. <br />C. Place speed limit signs 200 feet from intersections and <br />then at halfway point between 47th St. and TH 36. <br />d. "Yield" sign at 47th St. - move closer to edge of Keats. <br />Could also replace with larger size sign. <br />e. "Yield Ahead" sign - replace with larger size. <br />f. Add the logo type "T" intersection ahead sign in <br />advance of "Yield Ahead" sign. <br />g. Install a street light at 47th Street. <br />