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10-15-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-15-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1985 PAGE 3 <br />h. Extend private driveway culvert and fill over at <br />the south side of 47th St. to provide a safe <br />landing for cars that go through the intersection. <br />1. Replace barricade at 47th St. with new <br />reflectorized material. <br />2. 20th Street <br />a. City staff does not contest the recommended 45 mph <br />speed limit. <br />b. Speed limit signs should be checked for reflectivity. <br />C. Additional speed limit signs may be needed mid -block. <br />d. Replace easterly "Stop Ahead" sign due to poor <br />reflectivity. <br />e. Bohrer will check with Al Lehman from 3M about any <br />plans to relocate the Tartan Park entrance. <br />City Engineer Bohrer understands that you don't put street�ghts <br />everywhere in the City without justification, but in this c se, it <br />was the feeling of the City Staff and MnDOT personnel that a <br />streetlight would call attention to this one intersection that <br />seems to have a good share of accidents. City Administrator <br />Overby said another choice would possibly be changing the yield <br />sign to a stop sign and putting in rumble strips to warn people of <br />the approaching Stop. <br />Mary Leslie, 11546 20th St. N., explained that when the 35 mph <br />speed limit sign was put up it did slow the traffic down <br />significantly past their home. Many cars were missing the turn <br />for Tartan and Eden Park and because they have a circular driveway <br />they were using it too turn around. The speed has increased since <br />the newspaper article came out advising that the 35 mph speed <br />limit was illegal. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Mazzara - to advise Mn/DOT of the City Council's <br />preference for the 45 mph speed limit on Keats Avenue between Hwy. <br />36 and 47th St. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Bohrer advised that Mn/DOT did a radar check on 20th St., when the <br />35 mph signs were already up, and the average speed was 44 mph <br />with the 85th percentile being 48 mph. The normal procedure would <br />be to establish the speed at the 85th percentile, but they lowered <br />it to 45 mph. <br />M/S/P Christ/Armstrong - to approve the adjustment of the speed <br />limit on 20th Street from 35 mph to 45 mph as recommended by MnDOT <br />and to erect street names for Legion Avenue on the south side of <br />20th Street. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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