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10-15-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-15-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1985 PAGE 4 <br />Councilmembers Mazzara and Armstrong still had concerns that even <br />though the 35 mph speed limit could not be enforced, the 35 mph <br />signs did slow the traffic down considerably. <br />The discussed new entrance to Tartan Park is a gravel road further <br />to the east and used by the maintenance personnel. City Engineer <br />Bohrer has contacted Al Lehman, 3M'Engineering, and was told by <br />Mr. Lehman that this was their intention to black top the road and <br />make it a club house entrance. Bohrer did tell him of the <br />concerns of insufficient sight distance for people pulling out of <br />the Club House or for people on 20th Street going in either <br />direction and to not proceed until he goes through the proper <br />channels with the City. <br />D. Public Hearing for vacation of the remaining <br />northerly 200 feet of Argyle Street bordering <br />the east edge of Lots 297 and 298, Lanes <br />DeMontreville Country Club Addition. <br />Applicant: Paul Hansen. <br />Pursuant to published notice the public hearing was opened at 7:50 <br />p.m. in the City Council chambers. <br />The City Council received a petition by the adjacent property <br />owners to vacate the northerly 200 feet of Argyle Street bordering <br />the east edge of Lots 297 and 298, Lanes DeMontreville Country <br />Club Addition. Bohrer explained that other portions of Argyle and <br />Dempsey have been vacated. The area requested for vacation is not <br />of any use to the City and there is no intention or need to <br />construct a City street on this 30-foot right-of-way. The <br />property would be split between the three property owners. The <br />two owners to the east, Leonard Brand and Top Twenty which Paul <br />Hansen is an officer and to the west is Barbara Walsh. <br />M/S/P Christ/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution 85-38 to vacate the <br />remaining northerly approximate 200 feet of Argyle Street <br />bordering the east edge of Lots 297 and 298, Lanes DeMontreville <br />Country Club Addition. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />E. Landfill Water Supply System - County Proposal <br />Washington County Commissioner, Sally Evert advised the City <br />Council that Washington County is looking at other options to a <br />Lake Elmo municipal water supply system proposed to service those <br />residents affected by the contaminated landfill. One of the <br />options seriously being considered is hooking up to the Oakdale <br />water system. Evert stated that the water at the landfill is <br />being cleaned up and feels that the PCA will soon say there is no <br />health danger there. Therefore, it could become difficult, if not <br />impossible, to get participation from Ramsey County in providing <br />Lake Elmo with its own water system. <br />Evert further stated if the Counties did put in a system through <br />the City of Oakdale, Lake Elmo will not have any say in the <br />system. It will be a system that provides the amount of water <br />
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