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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1985 PAGE 5 <br />that has been agreed upon by the Health Department and "somewhere <br />in-between" what the Washington County and Lake ELmo engineering <br />studies have found to be appropriate. Operation and maintenance <br />costs would be assessed to the homeowners after the initial <br />installation. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that he was surprised that the option <br />of hooking up to the Oakdale system was being considered, since it <br />was originally ruled out at the Advisory Landfill Committee. At <br />that time, the cost comparisons given in the Advisory Committee's <br />report showed that the cost was comparable with the proposed Lake <br />Elmo system, and there were several disadvantages that ruled out <br />the Oakdale option. <br />Councilman Christ felt that the construction estimates provided by <br />Lake Elmo's City Engineer were much higher than what was estimated <br />by the County as were the operation/maintenance costs. From a <br />cost perspective, hooking up to the Oakdale system appears to be <br />the most feasible option. Christ has talked to a number of <br />residents and they want to see the project move ahead. The City <br />Council also sees a need for urgency and they designated <br />Councilman Christ to be the City representative on any <br />negotiations with the County. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Armstrong - to designate Arlyn Christ to be the <br />City's representative on any negotiations with the County. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />F. Legion Pond - Update <br />The Legion Pond Update was withdrawn from the agenda at the <br />request of the affected property owners. The property owners plan <br />to come back with their own proposal at the first meeting in <br />November. <br />G. 201 Program - Update <br />In a past Newsletter, the City residents were informed that the <br />201 Program will be delayed until 1986 due to delays in the plan <br />approval process. Anyone who considered their situation to be an <br />emergency was invited to contact the City Office. The following <br />persons have contacted the office of the Engineer or are known to <br />be in great difficulty. <br />1. William Osborn, 3127 Laverne Court <br />2. Ed Fisk, 3115 Laverne Court <br />3. Clyde Struve, 3686 Layton Avenue <br />4. Pat Scovill, 8056 Hill Trail <br />5. Carl Paul, 9369 Jane Road <br />6. Ken Evanoff, 9199 Jane Road <br />7. Manley Marellus, 4611 Birchbark Trail <br />8. David Keane, 9359 Jane Road <br />