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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1985 PAGE 6 <br />The first four individuals cited frequent pumping or sewage <br />overflows, and the last four are on the satellite toilets. <br />Conversations with the MPCA indicate that we will be able to spend <br />up to $10,000 on an emergency basis now and be reimbursed under <br />the grant. Bohrer believes that the new watertight septic tanks <br />could be installed for the individuals on satellite toilets within <br />the budget limit, but that nothing could be done for the other <br />individuals. The new septic tanks would then function as holding <br />tanks until their systems can be completed with the regular <br />program. The cost of pumping holding tanks is approximately equal <br />to the Satellite toilet rent and the individuals could use their <br />indoor plumbing. <br />Evanoff, Marcellus, Keane are in what is called on -site septic <br />system improvements and their plans and specifications are <br />approved. Carl Paul is considered in an off -site septic system. <br />One of their criteria is that not only does Mr. Paul's site have <br />to be approved, but all of the sites in the off -site program have <br />to be approved before they approve one. City Engineer Bohrer did <br />confirm the fact that if the City went ahead on Paul's septic <br />system and made the improvements without prior approval there is <br />no chance of getting reimbursed. <br />H. Other <br />PLANNING AND LAND USE <br />A. Section 32 - Land Use Concept - Update <br />Property owners from Section 32 and 33 area were invited to attend <br />the October 7th meeting of the Planning Commission for comments or <br />suggestions regarding the future land use concept for the Section <br />32 area. The October 1985 Land Use Concept Plan map reflects <br />these opinions and changes. <br />B. Annual Planning Institute <br />A brochure was given out from the Government Training Sevice for <br />the Annual Planning Institute. On Friday, November 22, 1985, a <br />seminar (special attention to Urban Issues) will be held at the <br />Earle Brown Center on the University of Minnesota St.Paul Campus. <br />Any Council member that wishes to attend this seminar (cost $40 <br />per person) should contact City Administrator Overby. <br />C. Request from Lake Elmo Baptist Church to <br />move a garage onto their property (to a <br />temporary location). <br />Lake Elmo Baptist Church has asked permission to move a 12' x 20' <br />x 8 112' garage from Oakdale onto a concrete slab on their <br />property on Stillwater Blvd. City Administrator Overby felt that <br />the garage would conform to the 50 foot setback. The garage meets <br />the code and is accepted as a rural storage building. No action <br />